VisualFaces is a JSF tag library that can be included to draw diagrams in any Java Server Faces based web application. All visualizations are based on D3.js, a free Java Script SVG library. VisualFaces not only serves as a growing library but also as an example for using my JSF component tutorial.
VisualFaces is published under the MIT license. Additionally, the word cloud requires a separate license. Whenever you use VisualFaces in a commercial or non commercial project I'd be happy to be contacted via my blog and named in a kind of credits file.
* Bubble Chart
* Calendar Chart
* Word Cloud
* Flare Chart
* Hierarchy Bar
* Collapsible Tree
* Zoomable Treemap
* Chord Chart
* Sunburst Chart
* Parallel Set
* Transition Diagram
* Collapsible Intended Treemap
* Choropleth
* 3D Globe
1. Include lib/VisualFaces.jar in your JSF 2 project (WEB-INF/lib)
2. Add the namespace xmlns:j="" in your xhtml file
3. Use code completion to see the tags for the charts included in the tag library,
e.g. <j:bubblechart width="600" height="600" />
4. Specify the input via the input tag. You can either use Strings or URLs to files containing a txt file.
If you do not use the enter tag, the library picks a dummy input from META-INF\resources\dummydata.
* Some components are difficult to align on an HTML page. This is because of some troubles I had during positioning the SVG structures.
* The Choropleth is only enabled to show maps of Germany. If there is anyone having topojson files for any other country I'd be happe to get them.