feedm3 / gatsby-graphql-toolkit

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Gatsby GraphQL Source Toolkit

The toolkit designed to simplify data sourcing from the remote GraphQL API into Gatsby.

Note: this is not a source plugin by itself, but it helps writing custom GraphQL source plugins by providing a set of convenience tools and conventions.

Try it

npm install --save gatsby-graphql-source-toolkit

The toolkit is in alpha stage, so expect breaking changes.

Get Help

Check out the #gatsby-graphql-toolkit channel on Gatsby Discord. Your feedback and feature requests are very welcome!

Important Note

This is a temporary repository. Eventually it will be merged into gatsby monorepo. See this PR for progress: gatsbyjs/gatsby#25468

Table of contents

Why not gatsby-source-graphql?

Historically Gatsby suggested gatsby-source-graphql plugin to consume data from remote GraphQL APIs.

This plugin is easy to use, but it has a significant problem: it doesn't adhere to the original Gatsby architecture (doesn't source nodes), which makes data caching impossible. As a result, it doesn't scale well, and can't work with Gatsby Preview or Incremental Builds by design (more technical details).

Also, with gatsby-source-graphql you can't leverage the power of Gatsby transformer plugins like gatsby-transformer-remark or gatsby-transformer-sharp (and it's hard to use with gatsby-image as a consequence).

This new toolkit should solve all those issues and implement correct node sourcing for Gatsby.


  • Efficient concurrent data fetching
  • Automatic data pagination
  • Cache data between runs (supports sourcing delta changes)
  • Customize what is sourced
  • Schema customization out of the box (no performance penalty of type inference)
  • Designed to support Gatsby Preview and Incremental Builds


Check out several usage examples in https://github.com/vladar/gatsby-graphql-toolkit-examples

How it works

Imagine you have a GraphQL API located at https://www.example.com/graphql. This example API has the following straightforward schema:

type Post {
  id: ID!
  description(truncateAt: Int): String
  author: Author

type Author {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  allPosts: [Post]

type Query {
  author(id: ID!): Author
  authors(limit: Int = 10, offset: Int = 0): [Author]
  post(id: ID!): Post
  posts(limit: Int = 10, offset: Int = 0): [Post]

To better understand how to source data from this GraphQL API using the toolkit, look at the full example and then walk through it step-by-step.

async function createSourcingConfig(gatsbyApi) {
  // Step1. Set up remote schema:
  const execute = createDefaultQueryExecutor(`https://www.example.com/graphql`)
  const schema = await loadSchema(execute)

  // Step2. Configure Gatsby node types
  const gatsbyNodeTypes = [
      remoteTypeName: `Post`,
      queries: `
        query LIST_POSTS {
          posts(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ..._PostId_ }
        fragment _PostId_ on Post { __typename id }
      remoteTypeName: `Author`,
      queries: `
        query LIST_AUTHORS {
          authors(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ..._AuthorId_ }
        fragment _AuthorId_ on Author { __typename id }

  // Step3. Provide (or generate) fragments with fields to be fetched
  const fragments = generateDefaultFragments({ schema, gatsbyNodeTypes })

  // Step4. Compile sourcing queries
  const documents = compileNodeQueries({
    customFragments: fragments,

  return {
    gatsbyTypePrefix: `Example`,
    gatsbyNodeDefs: buildNodeDefinitions({ gatsbyNodeTypes, documents }),

exports.sourceNodes = async (gatsbyApi, pluginOptions) => {
  const config = await createSourcingConfig(gatsbyApi)

  // Step5. Add explicit types to gatsby schema
  await createSchemaCustomization(config)

  // Step6. Source nodes
  await sourceAllNodes(config)

Take a closer look at each step in this example:

1. Set up remote schema

const execute = createDefaultQueryExecutor(`https://www.example.com/graphql`)
const schema = await loadSchema(execute)

The toolkit executes GraphQL queries against a remote API and so expects you to provide an execute function. A default implementation is available via the createDefaultQueryExecutor utility.

In order to perform various kinds of analysis with your GraphQL schema, expect a schema object (an instance of GraphQLSchema from graphql-js package).

Use loadSchema to fetch the remote schema and re-construct it locally via GraphQL introspection.

2. Configure Gatsby node types

const gatsbyNodeTypes = [
    remoteTypeName: `Post`,
    queries: `
      query LIST_POSTS {
        posts(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ..._PostId_ }
      fragment _PostId_ on Post { __typename id }
  // ... other node types

Declare which types of the remote GraphQL API you will treat as Gatsby nodes and provide the necessary configuration for node sourcing and schema customization.

Settings explained:

  • remoteTypeName is used to:

    • Build Gatsby node type name as follows: ${gatsbyTypePrefix}${remoteTypeName} (customizable).
    • Discover and resolve relationships between node types in the schema.
  • queries are required for node sourcing. They are combined with custom GraphQL fragments for actual data fetching (see the next two steps). Queries with a LIST_ prefix are automatically executed and paginated during node sourcing.

    You can also define custom queries without a LIST_ prefix but then you will have to execute them manually.

    Queries must contain a single GraphQL fragment with ID fields of this node type. ID fields are necessary to:

    • Construct a Gatsby node id (a concatenation of all fragment id fields)
    • Re-fetch individual nodes by id (e.g., to support previews and delta sourcing)
    • Resolve node relationships in Gatsby schema customization

    Variable definitions could be omitted (the toolkit will add them for you).

3. Define fields to be fetched (using GraphQL fragments)

This step is probably the most important for the whole process. It enables different workflows with a high granularity of sourcing.

This example demonstrates one possible workflow - automatic fragment generation on each run.

const fragments = generateDefaultFragments({ schema, gatsbyNodeTypes })

Generated fragments include all possible fields of a type (customizable):

fragment Post on Post {
  author {
    remoteTypeName: __typename
    remoteId: id

fragment Author on Author {
  allPosts {
    remoteTypeName: __typename
    remoteId: id

In step 4, combine those fragments with queries (from step 2) to produce the final sourcing queries.

But instead of generating them every time, you could have chosen the following workflow (as one of the possible options):

  1. Generate fragments on the very first run and save them somewhere in the src folder.
  2. Allow developers to edit those fragments in an IDE (e.g., to remove fields they don't need, add fields with arguments, etc.).
  3. Load modified fragments from the file system on each run.

See the readOrGenerateDefaultFragments utility for something like this.

For example, modify the Author fragment to fetch excerpts of author posts:

fragment CustomizedAuthorFragment on Author {
  allPosts {
    excerpt: description(truncateAt: 200)

You'll see how this change affects sourcing queries in the next step.

4. Compile sourcing queries

In this step, you'll combine queries from node configurations (step 2) with custom fragments (step 3) and compile final queries for node sourcing:

const documents = compileNodeQueries({
  customFragments: fragments,

For this example, the toolkit will compile two documents (for Post and Author types respectively):


query LIST_POSTS($limit: Int, $offset: Int) {
  posts(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) {
    remoteTypeName: __typename

fragment _PostId_ on Post {
  remoteTypeName: __typename
  remoteId: id

fragment Post on Post {
  remoteId: id
  author {
    remoteTypeName: __typename
    remoteId: id

fragment CustomizedAuthorFragment__allPosts on Post {
  excerpt: description(truncateAt: 200)


query LIST_AUTHORS($limit: Int, $offset: Int) {
  authors(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) {
    remoteTypeName: __typename

fragment _AuthorId_ on Author {
  remoteTypeName: __typename
  remoteId: id

fragment CustomizedAuthorFragment on Author {
  remoteId: id
  allPosts {
    remoteTypeName: __typename
    remoteId: id

Note how the excerpt field has been moved from CustomizedAuthorFragment to the CustomizedAuthorFragment__allPosts in the Post document (and fields from the _PostId_ fragment have been added in its place).

Also, note the toolkit automatically adds field aliases for reserved Gatsby fields (id, internal, parent, children and __typename meta field)

Why? This way we achieve data normalization in Gatsby. All the data belonging to a node is moved to its specific queries. Queries of other nodes reference nodes of other types (via id fields).

You can write these documents somewhere to disk to ease debugging (generated queries are static and could be used manually to replicate the error).

5. Add explicit types to the Gatsby schema

await createSchemaCustomization(config)

This step utilizes Gatsby Schema Customization API to describe node types specified in step 2.

For this example, the toolkit creates the following Gatsby node type definitions:

type ExamplePost implements Node @dontInfer {
  id: ID!
  description: String
  excerpt: String
  author: ExampleAuthor

type ExampleAuthor implements Node @dontInfer {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  allPosts: [ExamplePost]

as well as custom resolvers for ExamplePost.author and ExampleAuthor.allPosts to resolve relationships

The toolkit uses the remote schema as a reference, but doesn't fully copy it.

Instead, it takes all the fields from the sourcing query and adds them to Gatsby node type with slight changes:

  • every type name is prefixed with gatsbyTypePrefix setting (Post => ExamplePost in our case)
  • all field arguments are removed
  • type of the field remains semantically the same as in the remote schema
  • aliased fields from the query are added to the type itself

Why? The primary motivation is to support arbitrary field arguments of the remote schema.

In general the following field definition: field(arg: Int!) can't be directly copied from the remote schema unless we know all usages of arg during Gatsby build.

To workaround this problem we ask you to provide those usages in fragments as aliased fields:

fragment MyFragment on RemoteType {
  field(arg: 0)
  alias1: field(arg: 1)
  alias2: field(arg: 2)

Then we add those alias1 and alias2 fields to Gatsby type so that you can access them in Gatsby's queries.

6. Source nodes

Now take all the queries compiled in step 4, execute them against the remote GraphQL API, and transform results to Gatsby nodes using createNode action.

Let's take another look at one of the queries:

query LIST_AUTHORS($limit: Int, $offset: Int) {
  authors(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) {
    remoteTypeName: __typename

fragment _AuthorId_ on Author {
  remoteTypeName: __typename
  remoteId: id

fragment CustomizedAuthorFragment on Author {
  remoteId: id
  allPosts {
    remoteTypeName: __typename
    remoteId: id

The query has $limit and $offset variables for pagination (defined in step 2). But where do we get values for those variables?

The toolkit uses variable names to resolve an effective pagination adapter which "knows" how to perform pagination and produce values for those variables.

In our example it is LimitOffset adapter that "knows" how to produce values for $limit and $offset variables as the toolkit loops through pages.

Assume you've received a GraphQL result that looks like this:

  "authors": [
      "remoteTypeName": "Author",
      "remoteId": "1",
      "name": "Jane",
      "allPosts": [
        { "remoteTypeName": "Post", "remoteId": "1" },
        { "remoteTypeName": "Post", "remoteId": "2" },
        { "remoteTypeName": "Post", "remoteId": "3" }

The toolkit will create a single Gatsby node of type ExampleAuthor out of it as-is. The only difference is that it will add the id field and required Gatsby internal fields as described in the createNode docs.

Sourcing changes (delta)

Delta sourcing allows you to keep data sourced in a previous build and fetch only what has changed since then.

Note: it is only possible if your API allows you to receive the list of nodes changed since the last build.

Check out how this works with the original example. First, you'll need to modify the config of Gatsby node types from step 2 to support individual node re-fetching:

const gatsbyNodeTypes = [
    remoteTypeName: `Post`,
    queries: `
      query LIST_POSTS {
        posts(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ..._PostId_ }
+     query NODE_POST {
+       post(id: $id) } { ..._PostId_ }
+     }
      fragment _PostId_ on Post { __typename id }
  // ... other node types

Note the NODE_ prefix on the query name. The toolkit will use it to identify the query for node refetching.

When compiling queries in step 4, the toolkit will spread all of your custom fragments in both queries, so the shape of the node will be identical when executing LIST_POSTS or NODE_POST.

Next, modify sourceNodes in gatsby-node.js:

exports.sourceNodes = async (gatsbyApi, pluginOptions) => {
  const lastBuildTime = await gatsbyApi.cache.get(`LAST_BUILD_TIME`)
  const config = await createSourcingConfig(gatsbyApi)
  await createSchemaCustomization(config)

  if (lastBuildTime) {
    // Source delta changes
    const nodeEvents = await fetchNodeChanges(lastBuildTime)
    await sourceNodeChanges(config, { nodeEvents })
  } else {
    // Otherwise source everything from scratch as usual
    await sourceAllNodes(config)
  await gatsbyApi.cache.set(`LAST_BUILD_TIME`, Date.now())

The part you will have to implement yourself here is fetchNodeChanges. It should fetch changes from your API and return a list of events in a format the toolkit understands:

async function fetchNodeChanges(lastBuildTime) {
  // Here we simply return the list of changes but in the real project you will
  // have to fetch changes from your API and transform them to this format:
  return [
      eventName: "DELETE",
      remoteTypeName: "Post",
      remoteId: { __typename: "Post", id: "1" },
      eventName: "UPDATE",
      remoteTypeName: "Post",
      remoteId: { __typename: "Post", id: "2" },

There are two kinds of supported events (which must be tracked by your backend): DELETE and UPDATE.

The toolkit only cares about remote IDs of the nodes that have changed:

  • For the UPDATE event, it will re-fetch nodes individually using NODE_POST query we defined above.
  • For the DELETE event, it will delete corresponding Gatsby nodes (without further requests to your API).

The remoteId field here must contain values for all of the fields declared in the ID fragment (in this example: __typename and id). They will be passed to the NODE_POST query as variables.

Automatic Pagination Explained

Pagination is essential for effective node sourcing but different GraphQL APIs implement pagination differently. The toolkit abstracts those differences away by introducing the concept of a "pagination adapter".

Two most common adapters supported out of the box: LimitOffset and RelayForward (for Relay Connections specification). But you can also define a custom one.

The toolkit selects which adapter to use based on variable names used in the query:

  • LimitOffset: when it sees $limit and $offset variables
  • RelayForward: when it sees $first and $after variables

In a nutshell, a pagination adapter "knows" which variable values to use for the given GraphQL query to fetch the next page of a field.

This way the toolkit can paginate your queries automatically and express the result as AsyncIterator of your nodes for convenience and efficiency.

Manual query execution



You can adjust some aspects of sourcing and schema customization by providing a config object of the following structure (TypeScript flavor):

type RemoteTypeName = string

interface ISourcingConfig {
  gatsbyApi: NodePluginArgs
  schema: GraphQLSchema
  gatsbyNodeDefs: Map<RemoteTypeName, IGatsbyNodeDefinition>
  gatsbyTypePrefix: string
  execute: IQueryExecutor

  gatsbyFieldAliases?: { [field: string]: string }
  typeNameTransform?: ITypeNameTransform
  paginationAdapters?: IPaginationAdapter<any, any>[]

interface IGatsbyNodeDefinition {
  remoteTypeName: RemoteTypeName
  document: DocumentNode
  nodeQueryVariables: (id: IRemoteId) => object

Gatsby node definition is constructed from the node type config (step 2) and compiled queries (step 4) using buildNodeDefinitions utility.

Query executor

You can control how the toolkit executes GraphQL queries by providing a custom execute function:

interface ISourcingConfig {
  // ...
  execute: IQueryExecutor
  // ...

export interface IQueryExecutor {
  (args: IQueryExecutionArgs): Promise<ExecutionResult>

export interface IQueryExecutionArgs {
  query: string
  operationName: string
  variables: object
  document?: DocumentNode

interface ExecutionResult {
  errors?: ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>
  data?: object

It can be as simple as this:

const fetch = require("node-fetch")

async function execute({ operationName, query, variables = {} }) {
  const res = await fetch(`https://www.example.com/graphql`, {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables, operationName }),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
  return await res.json()

const config = {
  // ... other options

The default implementation createDefaultQueryExecutor is very similar, except that it also controls query concurrency using an excellent p-queue library.

Use wrapQueryExecutorWithQueue to re-use concurrency logic for your custom executor.

Gatsby field aliases

interface ISourcingConfig {
  // ...
  gatsbyFieldAliases?: { [field: string]: string }
  // ...

This object defines which aliases to use for internal Gatsby fields when compiling queries (step 4).

Default value is:

const defaultGatsbyFieldAliases = {
  __typename: "remoteTypeName",
  id: "remoteId",
  internal: "remoteInternal",
  children: "remoteChildren",
  parent: "remoteParent",

Type name transformer

The toolkit must transform type names from the remote schema to Gatsby schema:

interface ISourcingConfig {
  // ...
  gatsbyTypePrefix: string
  typeNameTransform?: ITypeNameTransform

export interface ITypeNameTransform {
  toGatsbyTypeName: (remoteTypeName: string) => string
  toRemoteTypeName: (gatsbyTypeName: string) => string

Default implementation uses the gatsbyTypePrefix option:

function createTypeNameTransform(prefix) {
  return {
    toGatsbyTypeName: remoteTypeName => `${prefix}${remoteTypeName}`,
    toRemoteTypeName: gatsbyTypeName => gatsbyTypeName.substr(prefix.length),

Note: the toolkit uses this transformer to convert EVERY type name, not only node types.

Custom Pagination Adapter

interface ISourcingConfig {
  // ...
  paginationAdapters?: IPaginationAdapter<any, any>[]

You can add a new (or override existing) adapters by providing your own implementations conforming to this interface:

interface IPageInfo {
  variables: { [name: string]: unknown }
  hasNextPage: boolean

interface IPaginationAdapter<TPage, TItem> {
  name: string
  expectedVariableNames: string[]
  start(): IPageInfo
  next(current: IPageInfo, page: TPage): IPageInfo
  concat(acc: TPage, page: TPage): TPage
  getItems(page: TPage): Array<TItem | null>

Check out the src/config/pagination-adapters folder for examples.

Note: when setting paginationAdapters option you override built-in adapters completely So if you want to be able to still use one of the existing adapters, pass them along with your custom adapters:

const { PaginationAdapters } = require("gatsby-graphql-source-toolkit")
const MyCustomAdapter = {
  // Your implementation
const config = {
  // ... other options
  paginationAdapters: PaginationAdapters.concat(MyCustomAdapter),


Whenever you face an issue, it usually falls into one of the 4 categories:

  1. Configuration problem
  2. Query compilation problem
  3. Schema customization problem
  4. Sourcing problem

Both: schema customization and sourcing rely heavily on your custom fragments and compiled queries to work. And obviously everything depends on a correct configuration.

So the first step is to make sure the issue is not about configuration or query compilation.

  1. Check your custom fragments against remote GraphQL API (not Gatsby GraphQL). You can do this in GraphiQL, Altair or any other GraphQL UI tool.

    If there are syntax errors in UI for your fragments - fix them by editing fragments on disk manually.

    If you are using generateDefaultFragments utility, replace it with readOrGenerateDefaultFragments to dump generated fragments to disk for investigation.

    Note: if generated fragments contain an error - fill an issue in this repo.

  2. Write compiled queries to disk using writeCompiledQueries. Then run those queries against your remote GraphQL API (maybe only those related to your problem).

    Note: if compiled queries contain syntax errors - fill an issue in this repo.

  3. If both custom fragments and compiled queries work as expected - then the issue is probably somewhere in the schema customization or sourcing.

  4. Try disabling createSchemaCustomization, e.g. just comment out createSchemaCustomization call and only run sourceNodes. This way you can investigate raw data in Gatsby GraphiQL.

    It must match exactly the result of the compiled query execution.

  5. If sourcing worked as expected - then the issue is probably somewhere in the schema customization logic. In this case don't hesitate to fill an issue in this repo.

Tools Reference

Configuration Tools


Creates default query executor suitable for sourcing config:

function createDefaultQueryExecutor(
  uri: string,
  fetchOptions: FetchOptions,
  queueOptions: PQueueOptions<any, any> = { concurrency: 10 }
): IQueryExecutor

This implementation sends GraphQL requests using node-fetch (see library documentation for all possible FetchOptions). It also uses p-queue to restrict the number of concurrently executed queries. Default concurrency level is 10, try increasing it to achieve higher throughput.


Takes existing query executor function and creates a new function with the same signature that runs with given concurrency level (10 by default).

function wrapQueryExecutorWithQueue(
  executor: IQueryExecutor,
  queueOptions: PQueueOptions<any, any> = { concurrency: 10 }
): IQueryExecutor

Under the hood it uses p-queue library to limit concurrency level, so refer to the library docs for all available queueOptions.


Executes GraphQL introspection query using provided query executor and creates an instance of GraphQL Schema using buildClientSchema utility from graphql-js package.

async function loadSchema(execute: IQueryExecutor): Promise<GraphQLSchema>


Simple utility that merges user-defined node type configs (step 2) with compiled queries (step 4) for every node type and produces a value suitable for gatsbyNodeDefs option of the sourcing config.

type RemoteTypeName = string

interface IBuildNodeDefinitionArgs {
  gatsbyNodeTypes: IGatsbyNodeConfig[]
  documents: Map<RemoteTypeName, DocumentNode>

export function buildNodeDefinitions(
  args: IBuildNodeDefinitionArgs
): Map<RemoteTypeName, IGatsbyNodeDefinition>

Query compilation tools


Utility function that generates default fragments for every Gatsby node type (defined in step 2).

interface IDefaultFragmentsConfig {
  schema: GraphQLSchema
  gatsbyNodeTypes: IGatsbyNodeConfig[]
  gatsbyFieldAliases?: IGatsbyFieldAliases
  defaultArgumentValues?: IArgumentValueResolver[]

export interface IArgumentValueResolver {
  (field: GraphQLField<any, any>, parentType: GraphQLObjectType): void | {
    [argName: string]: unknown

function generateDefaultFragments(
  config: IDefaultFragmentsConfig
): Map<RemoteTypeName, string>

How does it work?

Let's look at this example schema:

type Post {
  id: ID!
  description(truncateAt: Int!): String
  author: Author

type Author {
  id: ID!
  name: Name

type Name {
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

type Query {
  posts: [Post]
  authors: [Author]

Define gatsbyNodeTypes option as:

const gatsbyNodeTypes = [
    remoteTypeName: `Post`,
    queries: `
      query LIST_Post { posts { ..._PostId_ } }
      fragment _PostId_ on Post { id }
    remoteTypeName: `Author`,
    queries: `
      query LIST_Author { authors { ..._AuthorId_ } }
      fragment _AuthorId_ on Author { id }

Then the call generateDefaultFragments({ schema, gatsbyNodeTypes }) will produce the following fragments:

For Post type:

fragment Post on Post {
  author {
    remoteId: id

For Author type:

fragment Author on Author {
  name {

Things to notice:

  1. Field Post.description is not added. That's because it has a non-null argument and we don't know how to fulfill it. If this argument was optional, the field would have been added. It is possible to workaround this by using defaultArgumentValues config option.

  2. Selection of the field Post.author contains fields listed in _AuthorId_ fragment. It is prefixed with remoteId because id is an internal Gatsby field. So Gatsby field aliases are used to avoid conflicts during sourcing.

  3. Field Author.name of type Name was inlined in the fragment because it is not listed in the gatsbyNodeTypes list, so considered a non-node object.

Let's define defaultArgumentValues to add Post.description field to our fragment:

function providePostDescriptionArguments(field, parentType) {
  if (field.name === `description` && parentType.name === `Post`) {
    return { truncateAt: 1000 }

  defaultArgumentValues: [providePostDescriptionArguments],

Now we get this result for the Post type:

fragment Post on Post {
  description(truncateAt: 1000)
  author {
    remoteId: id


Tries to load fragments from the given fragmentsDir and if fragment for some type could not be found, generates default fragment for it using generateDefaultFragments and writes it to fragmentsDir.

async function readOrGenerateDefaultFragments(
  fragmentsDir: string,
  config: IDefaultFragmentsConfig
): Promise<Map<RemoteTypeName, GraphQLSource>>

See generateDefaultFragments for IDefaultFragmentsConfig

Tries to read fragments


Combines queries from node types config (step 2) with any user-defined fragments and produces final queries used for node sourcing.

interface ICompileNodeDocumentsArgs {
  schema: GraphQLSchema
  gatsbyNodeTypes: IGatsbyNodeConfig[]
  gatsbyFieldAliases?: IGatsbyFieldAliases
    | Array<GraphQLSource | string>
    | Map<RemoteTypeName, GraphQLSource | string>

function compileNodeQueries(
  args: ICompileNodeDocumentsArgs
): Map<RemoteTypeName, DocumentNode>


Takes a list of custom source fragments and transforms them to a list of gatsby fragments.


fragment PostAuthor on Author {
  allPosts {
    excerpt: description(truncateAt: 200)

is compiled to the following Gatsby fragment:

fragment PostAuthor on MyAuthor {
  allPosts {

This is handy if you want to re-use the same fragments for your components in both - Gatsby build and client-side GraphQL queries.

Related types:

interface ICompileGatsbyFragmentsArgs {
  schema: GraphQLSchema
  gatsbyNodeTypes: IGatsbyNodeConfig[]
  gatsbyTypePrefix: string
  gatsbyFieldAliases?: IGatsbyFieldAliases
  typeNameTransform?: ITypeNameTransform
    | Array<GraphQLSource | string>
    | Map<RemoteTypeName, GraphQLSource | string>

export function compileGatsbyFragments(
  args: ICompileGatsbyFragmentsArgs
): DocumentNode


Use it to dump compiled queries to disk for debugging. Example:

  // Step4. Compile sourcing queries
  const documents = compileNodeQueries({
    customFragments: fragments,

  // Write compiled queries for debugging
  await writeCompiledQueries(`./sourcing-queries`, documents)

For each node type it will create a Type.graphql file with full GraphQL queries for this node type. Run those queries against your remote GraphQL endpoint manually for troubleshooting.

Schema customization tools


Uses sourcing config to define Gatsby types (using schema customization API). See step 5 for example.

async function createSchemaCustomization(config: ISourcingConfig): Promise<void>

Source nodes tools


Uses sourcing config to fetch all data from the remote GraphQL API and create Gatsby nodes (using createNode action). See step 6 for example.

async function sourceAllNodes(config: ISourcingConfig): Promise<void>


Uses sourcing config and a list of node change events (delta) to delete nodes that no longer exist in the remote API and re-fetch individual nodes that were updated in the remote API since the last Gatsby build.

See dedicated section sourcing changes for details.

async function sourceNodeChanges(
  config: ISourcingConfig,
  delta: ISourceChanges
): Promise<void>

Related types:

interface IRemoteId {
  [remoteIdField: string]: unknown

interface INodeUpdateEvent {
  eventName: "UPDATE"
  remoteTypeName: RemoteTypeName
  remoteId: IRemoteId

interface INodeDeleteEvent {
  eventName: "DELETE"
  remoteTypeName: RemoteTypeName
  remoteId: IRemoteId

type NodeEvent = INodeUpdateEvent | INodeDeleteEvent

interface ISourceChanges {
  nodeEvents: NodeEvent[]


  • Allow complex nested id fields
  • Support variables in fetchNodeList and other similar methods
  • Add retries to default executor
  • Mime-type mapping on nodes
  • Ignore deleted nodes when resolving references
  • Allow custom arguments in schema customization?
  • Allow fragments on non-node types
  • Expose type/node events for debugging and logging
  • Structured errors (category, id, message, etc)
  • Docs: "sourcing node field with pagination"
  • Docs: add other lower-level tools in reference (with examples)
  • Tool: fetchMissingReferences fetch missing nodes for existing references
  • Tool: compile Gatsby fragments from remote GraphQL API fragments
  • Tool: auto-configuration for Relay-compliant GraphQL schemas



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