federicober / exam-questions

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The one interview you don't want to stumble upon.


Q: What is the difference between multi-threading, multi-processing and asynchronous? How does Python differ from other programming languages?

Q: What is the space-complexity of range(n) in Python3? Is it the same in Python2? Why?

Q: What is a Sequence in Python?

Q: What is the difference between __getitem__ and __getattr__? When are they called?

Q: What is the difference between __getatrribute__ and __getattr__? When are they called?

Q: Explain the following concepts as related to testing: fixture, mock, patch.

Q: Python is written in what language? Name other implementations.

Q: What underlying data structure is found at the base of (almost) all Python objects? How can you access it? Can you name one type of class that uses a different base structure?

Q: What is a closure? Where is it commonly used?

Q: Explain the usage of the else clause in try and for blocks.

Q: What is the Garbage collector in Python? How does it work? How can you reference an object without affecting its garbage collection?

Q: Exaplain the difference between methods (or any other object) that have: a single-leading underscore (_func), double-leading underscores (__func), a double-leading-and-trailing underscores (__func__).

Q: Exaplain the difference between the expressions x == True and x is True? Why is the is operator must commonly used with booleans and None?

Q: What (usually) unexpected behaviour will arise from the following statement matrix = [[0] * n_columns] * n_rows ?

Q: What is the difference between an iterable and an iterator? What function(s) can be called in them to turn them into the other?

Q: What is the __mro__? How does it relate to __dict__ and __getattr__?

Q: What is the Descriptor protocol? How does it relate to the previous question?


Q: What will happen when running the following code?

def func(n):
    yield n
    yield from func(n+1)
for i in func(n):

Q: What will be the output of the following code?

class Node:
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self._name = name

    def next(self, value: "Node") -> None:
        self._next = value

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        print("Inside __del__", self._name)

    def __delete__(self, instance) -> None:
        print("Inside __delete__", self._name)

a = Node("a")
b = Node("b")
c = Node("c")

# create a graph that looks like this
# a -> b <-> c

del a
del b
del c

print("finished script")

How would it change if we call gc.collect() att any point?

Q: What will happen when running the following code?

class A:
    def __str__(self):
        print("Calling A")
        return "foo"

class B(A):
    def __str__(self):
        print("Calling B")
        return super().__str__()

class C(A):
    def __str__(self):
        print("Calling C")

class D(B, C):
    def __str__(self):
        print("Calling D")
        return super().__str__()

