fealt / diamonds-price-prediction

πŸ’Ž 'The Linear Regression Challenge: Diamonds Price Prediction' @ironhack Data Analytics Bootcamp

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Data Analytics Bootcamp – Mini Project
October 2021

The Linear Regression Challenge: Diamonds Price Prediction πŸ’ŽπŸ·πŸ€‘


Project Documentation

Project Description

  • Work with data to understand the characteristics of a diamond which are most likely to influence its price.

  • Rick – our client – has 5,000 diamonds and asked us to estimate their price based on a historic dataset with over 54,000 diamond prices.



The metric of success is, of course, money πŸ’²πŸ’°πŸ’²πŸ’°πŸ’²

  • Our assignment is to estimate the price of Rick’s 5,000 diamonds achieving the smallest amount of error, so he can sell them properly.

  • We will specifically measure the root mean squared error (RMSE) of our predictions.

  • Rick’s goal is to obtain an average error below 900 dollars.


The price of a diamond has a direct correlation with its carat. It is not a straight linear correlation but an exponential one. There are other relevant features which also influence its price, such as color, clarity and cut.

  • Diamonds Analysis 01

    • Our first approach was to predict the price applying a separate regression model for each color grade with carat weight, clarity grade and cut grade as independent variables. With this method we achieved a root mean squared error (RMSE) result of 979.66 USD, almost beating the goal. File: Diamonds_Analysis_01_A.ipynb
    • Then we improved the model with clustering to create a new variable based on the diamond's carat weight: either belonging to the first 3 quartiles or not. We got a slightly better result with a RMSE of 967.38 USD. File: Diamonds_Analysis_01_B.ipynb
  • Diamonds Analysis 02

    • On our second approach we switched the way we used color and clarity, creating a regression model for each clarity grade, with color as an independent variable along with carat and cut. With this second approach we got our best RMSE result of 791.55 USD. File: Diamonds_Analysis_02_A.ipynb
    • Then we tried the same strategy used before but the results were worsened, reaching a RMSE of 1,213.73 USD. File: Diamonds_Analysis_02_B.ipynb

We did not try the approach of using a different regression model for each cut grade because the graphic analysis of the scatterplot showed a more spread out distribution than the clarity and color ones.

We conclude that the order of the 4Cs which most influences diamond prices is:

  1. Carat
  2. Clarity
  3. Color
  4. Cut

Note: we always got lower values calculating the RMSE with the historic data compared to the
Rick's dataset because the model is biased with its own original data.


And voilΓ 

We managed to make Rick πŸ’°πŸ’ŽπŸ’° richer πŸ’°πŸ’ŽπŸ’°

Rick's goal was πŸ’²900 and we got πŸ’²791

a profit increase of around βž•14%

πŸ₯³ πŸ₯‚ 🍾



Deliverables in this repository

  • A .csv file containing the data related to the 5,000 diamonds and a new column named 'price_predicted' with the predictions from our linear regression model.

  • Upload the .csv file to this LINK – the web site will calculate the root mean squared error (RMSE) based on its own algorithms.

  • Rick cleaned final datasets (./final_csv):

    • Diamonds_Analysis_01_A.csv
    • Diamonds_Analysis_01_B.csv
    • Diamonds_Analysis_02_A.csv
    • Diamonds_Analysis_02_B.csv
  • Data analysis in Jupyter Notebook:

    • Diamonds_Analysis_01_A.ipynb
    • Diamonds_Analysis_01_B.ipynb
    • Diamonds_Analysis_02_A.ipynb
    • Diamonds_Analysis_02_B.ipynb
  • Images with the resulted analysis after checked by the above mentioned website:

    • Rick_Predicted_01_A.png
    • Rick_Predicted_01_B.png
    • Rick_Predicted_02_A.png
    • Rick_Predicted_02_B.png


  • Python @ Jupyter Notebook
  • Pandas / Numpy
  • Matplotlib / Seaborn
  • Sklearn (LinearRegression / mean_squared_error)

Data source

  • Rick's Dataset in .csv format (5,000 rows and 10 different columns) named rick_diamonds.csv (./data).

  • Dataset with historic diamonds prices in .csv format (~49,000 rows and 11 different columns) named hist_diamonds.csv (./data).


πŸ’Ž 'The Linear Regression Challenge: Diamonds Price Prediction' @ironhack Data Analytics Bootcamp

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%