fdeantoni / predictive-maintenance

A toy project with XGBoost, R, and Spark

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Predictive Maintenance

This project demonstrates how to perform simple predictive maintenance with XGBoost. We build the model first in R and then export it to a Spark job.

Prepare Data

The first step is to do the data exploration. For this project we will use the sample data provided by the Predictive Maintenance Modeling Guide in Microsoft R Samples.

In the explore directory, run the script download.sh to download the sample data. Once the sample data has been downloaded to the explore/build directory, load the data into postgres so we can easily manipulate it.

The scripts in this project assume you are running postgres inside a docker container using an image created by running the create-postgres-image.sh script. Once running, you can enter the interactive psql shell as follows:

$ sudo docker exec -it -u postgres postgres psql

In a psql session create the maintanance database:

create database maintenance;     

Once database is created, connect to it:

\c maintenance

Now load the downloaded data into the database using the load.sql script:

\i explore/load.sql

Once the script completes, all data should be loaded into 5 separate tables, including a denormalized machine_log table. From this table we will export the data of one machine: Machine 746. Run the export.sql script to export the data:

\i explore/export.sql

This will generate file build/machine_746.csv which we will use further in R.

Create Model

Now that we have our machine data, we can create the XGBoost model in R.

Open up explore/xgboost_model.R in RStudio. To run the code you should have the packages zoo, caret, e1071, and xgboost installed.

NOTE: If using OSX you will have to install libomp for caret install to succeed:

brew install libomp

Run all the paragraphs in the explore/xgboost_model.R. The very last paragraph will save the XGBoost model to a file called explore/build/Machine746.xgboost.model. We will use this file in the Spark job we will create next.

Create Spark Streaming Job

Now that we have our XGBoost model saved to a file, we can create a Spark streaming job that will load up this file and apply it to make a prediction on any new machine data that comes in.

To create the job, run the following command:

$ sbt job/assembly

This will create a jar file job/target/scala-2.11/job-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Launch Spark Job

We can launch the Spark streaming job to generate our maintenance predictions. We will launch our job using spark-submit. Make sure you have Spark 2.4.4 installed. Submit the job as follows:

$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --class com.example.machine.Maintenance \
    --master local[*] \
    job/target/scala-2.11/job-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --models explore/build                 

NOTE: this job will create a ./checkpoint folder. If restarting from scratch, make sure to remove this folder first before starting the job again.

TIP: To reduce logging by Spark, you may want to configure $SPARK_HOME/conf/logging.properties with the following to reduce the amount of logs generated:


If your Spark installation does not have a logging.properties file yet, create one from the template and add the above lines to it.

The Spark job will now run and wait for Kafka (which is part of the simulator - see below) to come online. Once it can connect to Kafka, the prediction job will start processing data. Let's start the simulator now.

Run Simulator

To simulate a Kafka instance receiving machine data, we will use the provided Simulator. This project launches a test Kafka instance and sends data from the CSV file to the correct Kafka topic.

Run the simulator as follows:

$ sbt simulator/run

Now that the simulator is sending data, you should see predictions being generated by the Spark job. Note that predictions are only generated after the job receives at least 36 data points, so it will take a while for the predictions to show.

Validate Predictions

To validate we are getting the same predictions between R and the Spark job, you can check it as follows in R:

predict(model, as(as.matrix(features["120",]), "sparseMatrix"))

If you run the above in R you will get the prediction for line 120 in the CSV file. Simply look for the prediction at tick 120 generated by the Spark job to validate they are the same.

Some Comments

This is of course a toy project that makes predictions on the same data on which the model was created (i.e. our simulator is sending the same data we used for learning). This means the predictions are of course near perfect.

The Spark micro-batch size must also be a little shorter than the data rate at which new data comes into Kafka. This to ensure that the batch processing takes place with only one data point at a time. If this is not the case the predictions will not match. Of course, this is less then ideal in a real production scenario, but the code can be made more efficient to handle batches better.

Nonetheless, it does demonstrate how all the different pieces fit together. It shows how you can generate an XGBoost model in R, and then use that model directly in Spark Streaming.


A toy project with XGBoost, R, and Spark


Language:Scala 73.7%Language:TSQL 12.7%Language:R 12.2%Language:Shell 1.4%