fdb / webassembly-with-rust

Explorations based on "Programming WebAssembly with Rust"

Repository from Github https://github.comfdb/webassembly-with-rustRepository from Github https://github.comfdb/webassembly-with-rust

WebAssembly with Rust

Explorations in WebAssembly with Rust, based on the book Programming WebAssembly with Rust by Kevin Hoffman.

Checkers in pure WebAssembly

The directory checkers contains a version of Checkers in pure WebAssembly, using the .wat format. It corresponds to chapter 2 of the book.

The code is in checkers/checkers.wat.


Checkers screenshot

I've added a graphical user interface so you're able to play the game! The interface uses Preact and htm. All code taken together takes up less than 8KB gzipped.

Right now you can't drag the pieces. You can click them, then click where they need to go. In the right corner you can see who's turn it is.

To run it, run a local server in the checkers folder. I use serve (npm install -g serve):

cd checkers

Then you can open the page at http://localhost:5000 to play the game.


We test the WebAssembly module by loading it into Node.js, then using Mocha to describe the behavior of the module. Tests are in test.js.

To run the tests you need Node.js and the Web Assembly Binary Toolkit (wabt). On macOS you can install those using Homebrew:

brew install node wabt

Then, to build and test the module run npm test.

Checkers in Rust

The rusty-checkers folder contains the (unfinished) Rust version of Checkers. To install Rust on macOS you can run the following:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh


This project uses source code from the "Programming WebAssembly with Rust" book. You can find the original version of this source code here. This code falls under the following license:

Copyrights apply to this source code. You may use the source code in your own projects, however the source code may not be used to create training material, courses, books, articles, and the like. We make no guarantees that this source code is fit for any purpose.

Any other code, such as the GUI (checkers/index.html) or tests (checkers/test.js) falls under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


Explorations based on "Programming WebAssembly with Rust"

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 42.5%Language:WebAssembly 31.5%Language:HTML 15.0%Language:Rust 10.5%Language:Shell 0.4%