fcyu / HKUST_PhD_MPhil_thesis_Latex

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology PhD/MPhil thesis latex template based on the latest official sample (http://pg.ust.hk/guides_n_forms/students/thesis_sample_page_phd.pdf)

Repository from Github https://github.comfcyu/HKUST_PhD_MPhil_thesis_LatexRepository from Github https://github.comfcyu/HKUST_PhD_MPhil_thesis_Latex


This template can also be used in MPhil thesis after changing all "PhD" to "MPhil".

This is a HKUST PhD/MPhil thesis latex template based on the latest official sample (http://pg.ust.hk/guides_n_forms/students/thesis_sample_page.pdf)

I know there are other latex templates for PhD/MPhil students of HKUST. But they are old and difficult to modify. I create this one based on the latest official sample which is different from the older one. This one is designed to be as easy/straightforward as I can. Almost every page can be modified directly. Suitable for beginners.

Please report issues if there is any questions or requirements.


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology PhD/MPhil thesis latex template based on the latest official sample (http://pg.ust.hk/guides_n_forms/students/thesis_sample_page_phd.pdf)

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TeX 100.0%