fco-dv / deep-ehr-graph


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EHR Data Analysis and outcome prediction with Deep Learning

PyPI Version Build Status Code Coverage


This project aims at demonstring deep learning methodologies for EHR data. The use case is to predict different outcomes for patients in the ICU. The dataset is from MIMIC-IV demo containing de-identified health-related data from 140 patients admitted to critical care units.


Install the latest package version with pip

pip3 install -U deepehrgraph


Display available subcommands:

python3 -m deepehrgraph.main --help


The full dataset description can be found mimic iv demo dataset.

It contains de-identified health-related data from 140 patients admitted to critical care units. The data includes demographics, vital signs, laboratory tests, medications, and more. The data is stored in a relational database, and the schema is described in the MIMIC-IV documentation.

Note that we only have access to the hosp and icu compressed files regarding this demo.

Generate main dataset from compressed files

python -m deepehrgraph.main dataset

This step will download the archive files from physionet and generate the master dataset in the data folder by default as a csv file called mimic_iv_demo_master_dataset.csv.

Several pre-computation steps are done in order to generate this master dataset:

  • CCI and ECI indexes are calculated and added to the dataset.
  • Outcomes for patients are calculed and added to the date.

These pre-computations have been adapted from this repository specifically for the MIMIC-IV demo dataset.

Categorical features are identified and encoded with LabelEncoder.

In the context of medical studies, CCI (Charlson Comorbidity Index) and ECI (Elixhauser Comorbidity Index) are tools used to assess the burden of comorbidities in individuals. Comorbidities refer to the presence of additional health conditions in a patient alongside the primary condition under investigation. Both CCI and ECI are designed to quantify and summarize the impact of comorbidities on patient health. These features seem to be good candidates for our prediction task.

EDA : Features and outcomes analysis

Run simple EDA with this command and you will get:

  • basic information about dataset datatypes
  • missing values count
  • correlation matrix
  • outcomes distribution
python -m deepehrgraph.main eda

Correlation Matrix Correlation Matrix

Here are the 25 top correlated features:

| Variable1        | Variable2        | Correlation |
| cci_Renal        | eci_Renal        | 1.000000    |
| cci_Rheumatic    | eci_Rheumatic    | 1.000000    |
| n_ed_365d        | n_icu_365d       | 1.000000    |
| cci_Cancer2      | eci_Tumor2       | 1.000000    |
| cci_Paralysis    | eci_Paralysis    | 1.000000    |
| n_ed_30d         | n_icu_30d        | 1.000000    |
| cci_PUD          | eci_PUD          | 1.000000    |
| n_ed_90d         | n_icu_90d        | 1.000000    |
| cci_Pulmonary    | eci_Pulmonary    | 1.000000    |
| cci_CHF          | eci_CHF          | 1.000000    |
| cci_Dementia     | cci_Paralysis    | 1.000000    |
| cci_PVD          | eci_PVD          | 1.000000    |
| cci_Dementia     | eci_Paralysis    | 1.000000    |
| cci_DM1          | eci_DM2          | 0.971825    |
| cci_Cancer1      | eci_Tumor1       | 0.949788    |
| cci_DM2          | eci_DM1          | 0.931891    |
| n_icu_90d        | n_icu_365d       | 0.927516    |
| n_ed_90d         | n_icu_365d       | 0.927516    |
| n_ed_365d        | n_icu_90d        | 0.927516    |
| n_ed_90d         | n_ed_365d        | 0.927516    |
| cci_Liver1       | eci_Liver        | 0.875261    |
| eci_HTN1         | eci_Renal        | 0.815725    |
| cci_Renal        | eci_HTN1         | 0.815725    |
| n_hosp_30d       | n_hosp_90d       | 0.807012    |
| n_ed_30d         | n_ed_90d         | 0.795026    |

Some features are highly correlated which could lead to poor model performance:

  • instability that make difficult to interpret the individual impact of each variable on the target.
  • model instability, increased sensitivity to small changes in the data
  • overfitting

We will try to address this situation by using features selection technique.

Outcomes Repartition Outcomes Repartition

Based on these first results we will try to predict the following outcome: in-hospital mortality. Note that we are facing an outcome class imbalance problem which can result in poor results while trying to predict this outcome, we will need to add a pre-processing for that on the traning set.

PCA for Collinear Feature Reduction

This command will run the features selection code:

  • display cumulative explained variance
  • display correlation matrix of the PCA result features
  • return number of features to keep
python -m deepehrgraph.main feat_select


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique for reducing the dimensionality of your dataset while retaining most of its original information. It's particularly useful for handling collinear features and improving model performance.

Understanding Cumulative Variance

  • Explained Variance Ratio:

    • Each principal component explains a certain proportion of the total variance. The cumulative explained variance is the sum of these individual variances, representing the overall information retained.
  • Choosing Components:

    • Decide on the number of components based on the desired cumulative explained variance (e.g., 95%). This choice balances dimensionality reduction with information preservation.

Cumulative Explained Variance Cumulative Explained Variance

Expectations for Final Correlation Matrix

  • Correlation Among Features:

    • The final correlation matrix of the PCA result features ideally shows reduced correlations between features. Principal components are designed to be orthogonal, minimizing multicollinearity.
  • Near-Zero Correlations:

    • Aim for near-zero correlations in the PCA result features, indicating that each component captures unique information.

Correlation Matrix PCA Correlation Matrix PCA

37 features will be selected for training the model. This number is based on the cumulative explained variance of 95%.

Model architecture

The BinaryClassificationModel is a simple neural network designed for binary classification tasks. It utilizes the PyTorch framework for building and training neural networks.


The model is initialized with the following parameters:

  • input_size: Number of features in the input data.
  • hidden_size: Number of neurons in the hidden layer.
  • output_size: Number of neurons in the output layer (typically 1 for binary classification).


  1. Layer 1 (self.layer1):

    • Type: Linear (Fully Connected) Layer
    • Input: input_size
    • Output: hidden_size
    • Activation Function: None (linear transformation)
  2. ReLU Activation (self.relu):

    • Type: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
    • Activation Function: ReLU
    • Introduces non-linearity to the model.
  3. Layer 2 (self.layer2):

    • Type: Linear Layer
    • Input: hidden_size
    • Output: output_size
    • Activation Function: None (linear transformation)
  4. Sigmoid Activation (self.sigmoid):

    • Type: Sigmoid Activation
    • Activation Function: Sigmoid
    • Converts the output to a probability between 0 and 1, suitable for binary classification.

input_size will correspond to the number of previsouly selected PCA features.


Pytorch Lightning is used as a framework for training the model. It provides a high-level interface for PyTorch that abstracts away the boilerplate code needed for training and validation. Here are some of the features that Pytorch Lightning provides and that are used in this code:

  • Automatic GPU/CPU device placement
  • Automatic training and validation loop
  • Automatic checkpointing
  • Automatic logging

In order to run the training, you can use the following command:

python -m deepehrgraph.main train --max-epochs 30

Models are saved in:

  • ./models/checkpoints for checkpoints
  • ./models/production for the best model according to validation loss metric as torchscript file

After the training the logs are available via tensorboard wtih the following command:

 tensorboard --logdir=./tb_logs       

Here is the implemented methodology:

Features Selection

We are using the PCA technique to reduce the number of features and address the collinearity problem. We are keeping the 37 first components that explain 95% of the variance.

Data Split and Oversampling

The dataset is split into train and validation sets with a 80/20 ratio. The train set is oversampled to address the class imbalance problem for the outcome_inhospital_mortality.

Loss Function

We are using the Binary Cross Entropy Loss function for this binary classification task.


We are using the Adam optimizer for this task with standard parameter.


We are using the following metrics to evaluate the model performance for both train and validation sets:

  • Loss
  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1 Score



Install dependencies

pip3 install poetry
poetry install

Pre-commit hooks

poetry run pre-commit install

Run pre-commit hooks on all files

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Run tests

Tox is using pre-commit hooks to run tests and linting.

cd deep-ehr-graph
tox .



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%