This is web for college student that have benefit for arrange courses that have maximum score with calculating minimum or maximum credits, semester, and major that user input in web. user also can input major, department, and course to make a lot of data that can be make the accurate output.
- React Js
- Tailwind css
user can input major name, semester, minimum credit,maximum credits, and option to choose wanna with department or not.
if user done too fill the input click the POST
button to get output.
if user want to add more major, department, or course they can input each of them with input in each section or they can upload file.json in their device.
- ensure you have docker desktop in your device
- run docker desktop
- pull the project in this link
- open the project with your IDE or command prompt and make a command
docker compose build
- after that you can run the project with command
docker compose up -d
in terminal - you can see the program in http://localhost:3000
- React Official Documentation:
- MDN Web Docs - JavaScript Guide:
- Tailwind CSS Official Documentation: