fbcotter / tfrecords_creator

Repo to easily write data to tfrecords format. Includes example scripts to then load these

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Image TFRecords Creator

This repo is a standalone repository to create sharded Tensorflow Records from a dataset on disk. It is based off the inception data prep in http://github.com/tensorflow/models. They have some nice scripts in there but they use bazel and are quite restrictive in general. This repo aims at being a commandline tool to accept a location of any dataset and shard it.


Usage is split into two stages: conversion and loading. Given the right work done in the conversion stage, the loading stage should be relatively straightforward.


This stage converts your dataset of images to shards of TFRecords data. It assumes you have folders of images organized as follows:

├── train
│   ├── label1
│   │   ├── train_image_0001.jpg
│   │   ├── train_image_0002.jpg
│   │   ├── train_image_0003.jpg
│   │   └── train_image_0004.jpg
│   ├── label2
│   │   ├── train_image_0001.jpg
│   │   ├── train_image_0002.jpg
│   │   ├── train_image_0003.jpg
│   │   └── train_image_0004.jpg
│   ├── label3
│   │   └── images
│   │       ├── train_image_0001.jpg
│   │       ├── train_image_0002.jpg
│   │       ├── train_image_0003.jpg
│   │       └── train_image_0004.jpg
│   ├── ...
└── val
    ├── label1
    │   ├── image_0001.jpg
    │   ├── image_0002.jpg
    ├── label2
    │   ├── image_0001.jpg
    │   ├── image_0002.jpg
    ├── ...

We see the hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Two or three folders for train/val/test in your dataset folder
  2. Inside each sub-dataset folder, multiple folders representing the classes. The names of the folders can either be the label names themselves (e.g. 'dog', 'cat', 'car', ...) or can be WordNet identifiers (as is the case in ImageNet, e.g. 'n01737021', 'n02091831', ...).
  3. Inside each folder there is a collection of images belonging to the same class. Each image must have an extension like ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".png". These should either be directly below the class folder, or in a sub-folder called 'images' (as is the case for the tiny-imagenet dataset).

TFRecord Format

Taking a look at the function _convert_to_example in build_image_data.py we can see the format of the saved images:

example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
    'image/height': _int64_feature(height),
    'image/width': _int64_feature(width),
    'image/colorspace': _bytes_feature(colorspace),
    'image/channels': _int64_feature(channels),
    'image/class/label': _int64_feature(label),
    'image/class/synset': _bytes_feature(synset),
    'image/class/text': _bytes_feature(human),
    'image/object/bbox/xmin': _float_feature(xmin),
    'image/object/bbox/xmax': _float_feature(xmax),
    'image/object/bbox/ymin': _float_feature(ymin),
    'image/object/bbox/ymax': _float_feature(ymax),
    'image/object/bbox/label': _int64_feature([label] * len(xmin)),
    'image/format': _bytes_feature(image_format),
    'image/filename': _bytes_feature(os.path.basename(filename)),
    'image/encoded': _bytes_feature(image_buffer)}))

Things like the image height, width, and channels can be determined automatically from the image file. However there are some fields which need a little guidance from the user. In particular:

  1. image/class/text - str - This is the human readable label. In the default case, this will come from the sub-directory names containing the images.
  2. image/class/label - int - The enumeration of the texts to class integers. In the default case this is done alphabetically, with the label 0 being reserved for the unknown class. I.e. counting starts from 1. If you want to change this order, see the docstring for find_image_files (the label_order field).
  3. image/class/synset - str - The synset id for the class. Can be blank strings if not using wordnet, or can be 'n001440764', ...
  4. image/object/bbox - Bounding boxes for the images. Used for object recognition. Needs to be saved in another file and fed as a list to the create_tfrecords function.

For more information on these fields, see the Advanced Running section.


Running is only a matter of calling the find_image_files function to return the data for all the images, then calling the create_tfrecords function to turn this data into TFRecords files.

Let us call the path to the dataset DATADIR. Say we want to put the dataset in OUTDIR. The simplest thing to do would be to put it all in a single shard. Then the code to run would be:

from build_image_data import find_image_files, create_tfrecords
filenames, texts, labels, enumeration = find_image_files(DATADIR)
create_tfrecords('train', filenames, texts, labels, output_dir=OUTDIR)

The 'train' string as the first argument is the prefix on the output shards. Of course this could be whatever you choose it to be. So our output directory would now have one file in it like so:

    └── train-00001-of-00001

This example isn't alltogether too useful for later on loading, as we would like to shard our data so we can load it in parallel. I.e. we would like to store the dataset in multiple large files rather than one enormous file. To speed up the writing of the dataset, we can use multiple threads to write these files as well. For simplicity, one thread can only write an integer number of shards. Now we can expand the above example by trying:

from build_image_data import find_image_files, create_tfrecords
filenames, texts, labels, enumeration = find_image_files(DATADIR)
create_tfrecords('train', filenames, labels, texts, output_dir=OUTDIR,
num_shards=4, num_threads=2)

Here, 2 threads are spun up to read-and-write image files, and each one will write 2 shards. Our output directory will now look like:

    ├── train-00001-of-00004
    ├── train-00002-of-00004
    ├── train-00003-of-00004
    └── train-00004-of-00004

Advanced Running

In the Format section, we also talked about changing the label order, using bboxes and potentially WordNet for our dataset. Here are some examples of how to do these things.

  1. Changing the label order. Say if our train folder has three labels called 'cat', 'dog', and 'emu'. The default enumeration would be to set 'cat' to label 1, 'dog' to 2 and 'emu' to

    3. If we want to change this, we can manually create the order in a list and pass it to the find_image_files function. I.e.

    from build_image_data import find_image_files, create_tfrecords
    label_order = ['emu', 'cat', 'dog']
    filenames, texts, labels, enumeration = find_image_files(DATADIR, label_order)
    # Prints: {'n/a': 0, 'emu': 1, 'cat': 2, 'dog': 3}
    create_tfrecords('train', filenames, texts, labels, output_dir=OUTDIR,
        num_shards=4, num_threads=2)

    Here we've specified the order as a list. The enumeration return value then gives the mapping from folder name to label. We can specify this directly ourselves by providing a dictionary instead.

    from build_image_data import find_image_files, create_tfrecords
    label_order = {'emu': 2, 'cat': 3, 'dog': 1}
    filenames, texts, labels, enumeration = find_image_files(DATADIR, label_order)
    # Prints: {'emu': 2, 'cat': 3, 'dog': 1}
  2. Using WordNet If you are using WordNet folder names, or for any other reason you want to map your directory names to other text labels, then you can do this with a simple dictionoary

    from build_image_data import find_image_files, create_tfrecords
    filenames, texts, labels, enumeration = find_image_files(DATADIR)
    text_mappings = {'emu': 'Big Australian Bird', 'cat': 'Feline', 
        'dog': 'woofer'}
    create_tfrecords('train', filenames, texts, labels,
        text_mappings=text_mappings, output_dir=OUTDIR)

    Now when you load the data, the 'text' field will be 'Big Australian Bird', and the 'synset' field will be 'emu'.

  3. Bounding Boxes Bounding boxes can be saved in a large number of different formats. For simplicity, we leave the parsing of the bounding box raw data up to the user. If the data is to be saved alongside the image, it must be given to the create_tfrecords function in a specific format, e.g.:

    bboxes = {'img1_name': {
                 'labels': [obj1_label, obj2_label, ojb3_label],
                 'bboxes': [[xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1],
                            [xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2],
                            [xmin3, ymin3, xmax3, ymax3]]
              'img2_name': {

    There is some flexibility on the exact format of the fields:

    • The first level dictionary keys ('img1_name', 'img2_name') can be either unique names or the full path to the image file.
    • The labels can either be integers or strings. If strings, will assume they match the folder names, and the label_order field will be used to map these to the correct integers.
    • The bounding box lists can either be floats in the range of 0 to 1, or integers representing the pixel values. Pixel values will by default be converted to floats in the range 0 to 1.


Loading from TFRecords

from build_image_data import read_shards
tfrecords_files = [os.path.join(DEST_DIR, x) for x in
preprocessor = lambda x: tf.image.resize_images(x, [224,224])
examples = read_shards(tfrecords_files, preprocessor, batch_size=64)


Repo to easily write data to tfrecords format. Includes example scripts to then load these


Language:Python 100.0%