faysalhaque / react-flip-move

Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique.

Home Page:http://joshwcomeau.github.io/react-flip-move/examples

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React Flip Move

build status npm version

This module was built to tackle the common but arduous problem of animating a list of items when the list's order changes.

DOM nodes can't actually reorder themselves; brand new nodes are created instead. Because of this, simple CSS transitions don't work.

Flip Move uses the FLIP technique to work out what such a transition would look like, and fakes it using 60+ FPS hardware-accelerated CSS transforms.




npm i -S react-flip-move

UMD builds are also available, in /dist.


Flip Move was inspired by Ryan Florence's awesome Magic Move, and offers:

  • Full compatibility with React 0.14+. Will be maintained.

  • Exclusive use of hardware-accelerated CSS properties (transform: translate) instead of positioning properties (top, left). Read why this matters.

  • Ability to 'humanize' transitions by staggering the delay and/or duration of subsequent elements.

  • Ability to provide onStart / onFinish callbacks.

  • Implementation based on the FLIP technique, a beautiful-in-its-simplicity method of tackling this problem. UMD build, when minified and gzipped, is only 2kb! ⚡


The implementation couldn't be simpler. Just wrap the items you'd like to move in a FlipMove, with any custom options:

import FlipMove from 'react-flip-move';

class TopArticles extends Component {
  renderTopArticles() {
    return this.props.articles.map( article => <Article {...article} key={article.id} /> );

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="top-articles">
        <FlipMove easing="cubic-bezier(0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.1)">
          { this.renderTopArticles() }


Chrome Firefox Safari IE Edge iOS Safari/Chrome Android Chrome
Supported ✔ 10+ ✔ 4+ ✔ 6.1+ ✔ 10+ ✔ 6.1+

How It Works

Curious how this works, under the hood? Read the Medium post.

Enter/Leave animations

When items are created or removed, the original items will animate as you'd expect; they'll move out of the way when a new element is added, and slide to fill in the space when one is removed.

I have some pretty neat ideas for custom enter/exit animations, but I have not yet found the time to test and implement them.

In the meantime, you should be able to easily add enter/exit transitions with ReactCSSTransitionGroup. I haven't personally tested it, but the two should play very nicely together, allowing you to combine custom enter/exit animations with Flip Move.


Option Accepted
Default Details
children Array Object The children passed to FlipMove are the component(s) or DOM element(s) that will be moved about. Accepts either a single child (as long as it has a unique key property) or an array of children.
duration Integer String 350 The length, in milliseconds, that the transition ought to take.
easing String "ease-in-out" Any valid CSS3 timing function (eg. "linear", "ease-in", "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)").
delay Integer String 0 The length, in milliseconds, to wait before the animation begins.
staggerDurationBy Integer String 0 The length, in milliseconds, to be added to the duration of each subsequent element.

For example, if you are animating 4 elements with a duration of 200 and a staggerDurationBy of 20:
  • The first element will take 200ms to transition.
  • The second element will take 220ms to transition.
  • The third element will take 240ms to transition.
  • The fourth element will take 260ms to transition.
  This effect is great for "humanizing" transitions and making them feel less robotic.
staggerDelayBy Integer String 0 The length, in milliseconds, to be added to the delay of each subsequent element.

For example, if you are animating 4 elements with a delay of 0 and a staggerDelayBy of 20:
  • The first element will start transitioning immediately.
  • The second element will start transitioning after 20ms.
  • The third element will start transitioning after 40ms.
  • The fourth element will start transitioning after 60ms.
  Similarly to <code>staggerDurationBy</code>, This effect is great for "humanizing" transitions and making them feel less robotic.
  <strong>Protip:</strong> You can make elements animate one at a time by using an identical <code>duration</code> and <code>staggerDelayBy</code>.
onStart Function A callback to be invoked once per child element at the start of the animation.

The callback is invoked with two arguments:
    <li><code>childElement</code>: A reference to the React Element being animated.</li>
    <li><code>domNode</code>: A reference to the unadulterated DOM node being animated.</li>

  In general, it is advisable to ignore the <code>domNode</code> argument and work with the <code>childElement</code>.
  The <code>domNode</code> is just an escape hatch for doing complex things not otherwise possible.
onFinish Function A callback to be invoked once per child element at the end of the animation.

The callback is invoked with two arguments:
  <li><code>childElement</code>: A reference to the React Element being animated.</li>
  <li><code>domNode</code>: A reference to the unadulterated DOM node being animated.</li>

  In general, it is advisable to ignore the <code>domNode</code> argument and work with the <code>childElement</code>.
  The <code>domNode</code> is just an escape hatch for doing complex things not otherwise possible.



  • Does not work with stateless functional component children. This is because Flip Move uses refs to identify and apply styles to children, and stateless functional components cannot be given refs.

  • All children need a unique key property. Even if Flip Move is only given a single child, it needs to have a unique key prop for Flip Move to track it.

  • Existing transition/transform properties will be overridden. I am hoping to change this in a future version, but at present, Flip Move does not take into account existing transition or transform CSS properties on its direct children.

  • Elements whose positions have not changed between states will not be animated. This means that no onStart or onFinish callbacks will be executed for those elements.

Note on 3D transforms and will-change

Many articles I've seen claim that in order to force browsers to use hardware acceleration, you need to resort to hacky fixes like transformZ(0) or use the new will-change property.

In my personal experimentations on modern versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE, these properties offer little to no gain (in Chrome's timeline I saw a savings of ~0.5ms on a 24-item shuffle).

Applying will-change too willy-nilly can have an adverse effect on mobile browsers, so I have opted to not use it at all.

YMMV: Feel free to experiment with the property in your CSS. Flip Move will respect the wishes of your stylesheet :)

Further reading: CSS will-change Property


Contributors welcome! Please discuss new features with me ahead of time, and submit PRs for bug fixes with tests (Testing stack is Mocha/Chai/Sinon, tested in-browser by Karma).




Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%