fay59 / Arcade-CS-Games

Jeux pour l'arcade des CS Games

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Jeux pour l'arcade des CS Games 2015

Game for the CS Games 2015 Arcade

Create a Pull Request to add new game. You can ping @isra17 or email him at isra017@gmail.com if you have any issue or question.

The arcade can have two player playing at once and has a 4-direction digital joystick + 1 button. Keep the game short and simple. Each round should be between 3 and 10 seconds.

Ajouter un minigame

Créer un nouveau module sous /minigames/ et créer une classe dérivant de multiplayer.Minigame ou singleplayer.Minigame. Un jeu de type singleplayer consiste à un minigame joué tour par tour jusqu'à ce qu'un joueur ait 3 défaites. Un jeu multijoueur est joué par les deux joueurs simultanément.

Finalement, importer la classe du jeu dans /minigames/__init__.py.

Chaque classe de minigame doit définir l'attribut de classe name qui sera affiché aux joueurs.

Les méthodes suivantes peuvent être définies dans la classe de jeu:

Create a new module under /minigames/ and create a subclass for multiplayer.Minigame or singleplayer.Minigame. A singleplayer game is a game that is played turn by turn by each player until one player loses 3 times. A multiplayer game is played by the two players simultaneously.

Finally, import the minigame class in /minigames/__init__.py.

Minigame class attributes


The name attribute must be overloaded by the minigame implementation. This attribute gives minimal instructions to the player.


The name attribute must be overloaded by the minigame implementation. This attribute sets the duration of the minigame.

Minigame instance attributes


If your minigame keeps track of user-defined points during a minigame, your can use this attrribute. This attribute must be typed as self.scores = [player1_points, player2_points]


Returns the number of frames elapsed since the start of the minigame. Every minigame runs at a capped 30 FPS.


Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the minigame. One minigame tick() is roughly 33.33ms.

Minigame methods


Méthode appelée avant une manche du jeu.

Method called before the minigame starts.


Méthode appelée à chaque boucle d'update.

Method called in the update loop.


Méthode retournant le temps de jeu total. Peut être généré à partir de self.difficulty pour diminuer le temps selon la difficulté.

Method that returns the total duration of the mini-game. Can be generated from self.difficulty to reduce the time and make the mini-game harder.

get_results(self) ou get_result(self)

Méthode retournant le résultat des joueurs ou du joueur dans le cas d'un jeu singleplayer.

Method that returns the results (win/lose) for each player.

Exemple multiplayer

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import multiplayer
from input_map import *

class MTest(multiplayer.Minigame):
    name = "Multiplayer Test"

    def init(self):
        self.results = [False, False]

    def tick(self):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                for i in range(2):
                    if event.key == PLAYERS_MAPPING[i][UP]:
                        self.results[i] = True
                    elif event.key == PLAYERS_MAPPING[i][DOWN]:
                        self.results[i] = False

        self.gfx.print_msg("[W]in or [L]ose", (50, 50))

        if self.results[0]:
            self.gfx.print_msg("Winning", (50, 100), color=(0, 255, 0))
            self.gfx.print_msg("Losing", (50, 100), color=(255, 0, 0))

        if self.results[1]:
            self.gfx.print_msg("Winning", topright=(750, 100), color=(0, 255, 0))
            self.gfx.print_msg("Losing", topright=(750, 100), color=(255, 0, 0))

    def get_results(self):
        return self.results

Exemple singleplayer

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import singleplayer
from input_map import *

class STest(singleplayer.Minigame):
    name = "Singleplayer Test"

    def init(self):
        self.result = False

    def tick(self):
        self.result = self.get_player_keys()[UP]

        self.gfx.print_msg("[W]in or [L]ose", (50, 50))

        if self.result:
            self.gfx.print_msg("Winning", (50, 100), color=(0, 255, 0))
            self.gfx.print_msg("Losing", (50, 100), color=(255, 0, 0))

    def get_result(self):
        return self.result


Jeux pour l'arcade des CS Games


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Arduino 0.5%