favour-olumese / python-projects

Beginner/Intermediate Python Projects

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Python Projects

Beginner/Intermediate Python Projects

  • add_prefix_to_filename.py - Adds a prefix to all text files in the current folder.

  • add_prefix_to_filename.py - Archives all files that are not text and python files in a computer.

  • archive_txt_and_py_files.py - Archives all text and python files in a computer system.

  • backup_to_zip.py - Backups an entire folder with its content into a zip file.

  • celsius_to_fahrenheit_converter.py - Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

  • deleting_unneeded_files.py - Finds files that use the most disk space to know which files to delete in a computer system.

  • folder_with_greatest_number_of_files.py - Finds the folder in a directory tree that has the greatest number of files.

  • folder_with_most_disk_space.py - Finds the folder that uses the most disk space in a computer system.

  • num_of_days_in_month.py - Get the number of days of a given month and year.

  • quadratic_equation_solver.py - Solves a quadratic equation.

  • rename_dates.py - Renames filenames with American MM-DD-YYYY date format to European DD-MM-YYYY in current folder.

  • scheduler.py - Randomly schedule a list of people for tasks within a given range of dates during weekdays and input details in a CSV file.

  • selective_copy.py - Walks through a folder tree and searches for files with a certain file extension (such as .pdf or .jpg) and copies these files from whatever location they are into a new folder.

  • stopwatch.py - A simple stopwatch program with a count-up timer.

  • strong_password_detection_regex.py - Check a password if it is more than 15 characters, and it has lowercase, uppercase, and digit to term it a strong password.

  • zigzag.py - A zigzag animation.

Games Folder

  • mad_libs - A mad libs game.

  • guess_the_number.py - A guess-the-number game.

  • rps_game_update.py - A rock paper scissors game.

  • rps_game.py - A rock-paper-scissors game.

  • tic_tac_toe.py - A tic-tac-toe game.

  • timed_mental_maths_game_json.py - A mental maths game which makes use of JSON to store the highest score.

  • timed_mental_maths_pickle.py - A mental maths game which makes use of the pickle module to store the highest score.

web_scraping Folder

  • download_xkcd.py - Downloads every page of the XKCD comic.

  • search_jumia.py - Open the links of the 5 cheapest products for every search term in Jumia.

  • search_pypi.py - Searches PyPI and opens the results of the searched term on the first page.

  • search_unsplash.py - Opens the first 5 pictures found on Unsplash for a searched word in different tabs.


Beginner/Intermediate Python Projects


Language:Python 100.0%