fatihsnsy / aSYNcrone

[SUSPENDED PROJECT] aSYNcrone is a SYN Flood DDoS Tool! It has developed for educational purposes and gain knowledge on socket programming.

Repository from Github https://github.comfatihsnsy/aSYNcroneRepository from Github https://github.comfatihsnsy/aSYNcrone

aSYNcrone | Multifunction SYN Flood DDoS Weapon


aSYNcrone Trailer

aSYNcrone's POWER!!!

aSYNcrone's POWER!!


git clone https://github.com/fatihsnsy/aSYNcrone.git

cd aSYNcrone

gcc aSYNcrone.c -o aSYNcrone -lpthread -O2

./aSYNcrone <source port> <target IP> <target port> <thread number>

What is aSYNcrone?

aSYNcrone is a C language based, mulltifunction SYN Flood DDoS Weapon. Disable the destination system by sending a SYN packet intensively to the destination.


  • Internal random IP generator
  • Using threads and faster prepare and sending SYN packets
  • Different IP Identification number
NOTE: You can contribute to the development of the project


[SUSPENDED PROJECT] aSYNcrone is a SYN Flood DDoS Tool! It has developed for educational purposes and gain knowledge on socket programming.


Language:C 100.0%