fatihhcan / Favorite-Books-APP

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Favorite Books App

Project Summary: An application where you use the Google Books API to search for books, explore them, and add favorites.




  • BLoC was used for State Management.

  • Get It was used for dependencies injected.

  • Dio was used for API requests.

  • Screen Util adapting screen and font size.

  • Sembast package was used for the local database.

Flutter Packages Available in the Project

flutter_screenutil: A flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.Guaranteed to look good on different models.

bloc: A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.

flutter_bloc: Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.

build_runner: A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.

sembast: NoSQL persistent embedded file system document-based database for Dart VM and Flutter with encryption support.

json_annotation: Classes and helper functions that support JSON code generation via the json_serializable package.

json_serializable: Automatically generate code for converting to and from JSON by annotating Dart classes.

get_it: Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App

flutter_dotenv: Easily configure any flutter application with global variables using a .env file.

equatable: Easy and Fast internationalizing and localization your Flutter Apps, this package simplify the internationalizing process.

google_fonts: A package to include fonts from fonts.google.com in your Flutter app.


Base Cubit:

 mixin BaseCubit {
  BuildContext? context;
  DioManager dioManager = DioManager.instance;
  NavigationService navigation = NavigationService.instance;
  AppStateManager appStateManager = AppStateManager.instance;
  LocalDatabaseManager localDatabaseManager = LocalDatabaseManager.instance;
  void setContext(BuildContext context);
  void init();

Base Model:

  abstract class BaseModel<T> {
  int? localId;
  bool? isFavorite;

    this.isFavorite = false,

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson();
  T fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json);

Base View:

class BaseView<T extends Cubit> extends StatefulWidget {
  final T cubit;
  final Function(T model) onCubitReady;
  final Function(T value) onPageBuilder;
  final Function(T model)? onDispose;
  final bool isSingleton;
  const BaseView({
    Key? key,
    required this.cubit,
    required this.onCubitReady,
    required this.onPageBuilder,
    this.isSingleton = false,
  }) : super(key: key);

  _BaseViewState<T> createState() => _BaseViewState<T>();

class _BaseViewState<T extends Cubit> extends State<BaseView<T>> {
  late T cubit;
  void initState() {
    cubit = widget.cubit;

  void dispose() {
    if (widget.onDispose != null) widget.onDispose!(cubit);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return widget.isSingleton
        ? BlocProvider.value(
            value: widget.cubit,
            child: widget.onPageBuilder(cubit) as Widget,
        : BlocProvider(
            create: (context) => widget.cubit,
            child: widget.onPageBuilder(cubit) as Widget,

Local Database

Local Database Manager:

class LocalDatabaseManager {
  static LocalDatabaseManager? _instance;
  static LocalDatabaseManager get instance {
    return _instance ??= LocalDatabaseManager.init();


  late LocalDatabaseService<VolumeInfo>? bookManager =
      LocalDatabaseService(storeName: LocalDatabaseConstants.books.name);

Local Database Service:

class LocalDatabaseService<T extends BaseModel?> {
  late StoreRef<int, Map<String, dynamic>> store;
  String? storeName;

    required this.storeName,
  }) {
    store = intMapStoreFactory.store(storeName);

  Future<int> insert(T obj) async {
    return store.add(await LocalDatabase.instance.database, obj!.toJson());

  Future<List<int>> insertAll(List<T> objs) async {
    return store.addAll(await LocalDatabase.instance.database, objs.map((e) => e!.toJson()).toList());

  Future<int> update(T obj) async {
    final finder = Finder(filter: Filter.byKey(obj!.localId));
    return store.update(await LocalDatabase.instance.database, obj.toJson(), finder: finder);

  Future<int> delete(T obj) async {
    final finder = Finder(filter: Filter.byKey(obj!.localId));
    return store.delete(await LocalDatabase.instance.database, finder: finder);

  Future<int> deleteAll() async {
    return store.delete(await LocalDatabase.instance.database);

  Future<List<T>> getCachedData(T obj) async {
    final recordSnapshots = await store.find(await LocalDatabase.instance.database);

    return recordSnapshots.map((snapshot) {
      final requests = obj!.fromJson(snapshot.value) as T;
      requests!.localId = snapshot.key;
      return requests;

Local Database:

class LocalDatabase {
  static LocalDatabase? _instance;
  static LocalDatabase get instance {
    return _instance ??= LocalDatabase.init();

  bool isDatabaseOpen = false;
  final String databaseName = 'app.db';
  late Database? _database;

  Future<Database> get database async {
    if (isDatabaseOpen == false) {
      try {
        return _openDatabase();
      } catch (e) {
        throw Exception('the database can not be opened');
    } else {
      return _database!;

  Future clear() async {
    final db = await database;
    await db.close();
    await databaseFactoryIo.deleteDatabase(db.path);
    isDatabaseOpen = false;

  Future<Database> _openDatabase() async {
      final appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
      final String dbPath = '${appDocumentDir.path}/$databaseName';
      final database = await databaseFactoryIo.openDatabase(dbPath);
      isDatabaseOpen = true;
      return _database = database;


Home Service:

class HomeService extends IHomeService {
  final apiKey = dotenv.env['GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_KEY'];
  Future<BooksListResponseModel?> getBooks(String query) async{
    try {
        final response = await client.get('volumes?q=intitle:$query&key=$apiKey');
        final result = ResponseParser<BooksListResponseModel>(response: response)
            .fromMap(model: BooksListResponseModel());
            if (result != null) {
              AppStateManager.instance.bookList = result;
                return result;
        return result;
   } on DioError catch (e) {
      throw DioException.connectionError( requestOptions: e.requestOptions, reason: e.message!);


Home Cubit:

  void getBooksLoading(bool loading) {
    emit(state.copyWith(isLoading: loading));

  void fetchBooks(String query) async {
    bookListCubit = (await homeService.getBooks(query))!;
    if (bookListCubit.items == null) {
    emit(state.copyWith(bookListState: AppStateManager.instance.bookList));

  void setSelectedBook(VolumeInfo? book) {
    emit(state.copyWith(book: book));
    selectedBook = state.book!;

  Future setFavoriteBook() async {
    if (state.isFavorited) {
      selectedBook!.isFavorite = false;
      await localDatabaseManager.bookManager!.delete(selectedBook!);
    } else {
      selectedBook!.isFavorite = true;
      await localDatabaseManager.bookManager!.insert(selectedBook!);
    emit(state.copyWith(isFavorited: !state.isFavorited));
    await getFavoriteBook();

  Future<void> getFavoriteBook() async {
    favoriteBookList =
        await localDatabaseManager.bookManager!.getCachedData(VolumeInfo());
    selectedBook = favoriteBookList.firstWhere(
      (element) => element.localId == selectedBook!.localId,
      orElse: () => selectedBook!,

  void getIsFavoriteStatus() async {
    await getFavoriteBook();
    if (favoriteBookList
        .where((element) => element.localId == selectedBook!.localId)
        .isNotEmpty) {
      emit(state.copyWith(isFavorited: true));
    } else {
      emit(state.copyWith(isFavorited: false));

Favorite Books Cubit:

  Future<void> fetchFavoriteBookList() async {
    favoriteBookList =
        await localDatabaseManager.bookManager!.getCachedData(VolumeInfo());

    emit(state.copyWith(favoriteBookList: favoriteBookList));

  void removeBookFromFavorite(VolumeInfo model) {
    emit(state.copyWith(favoriteBookList: favoriteBookList));

  void navigate() async {
    await navigation.navigateToPageClear(path: NavigationConstants.DEFAULT);

  void getBooksCacheLoading(bool loading) {
    emit(state.copyWith(isLoading: loading));

Folder Structure

    │    │    
    │    └───base
    │    │
    │    └───cache
    │    │ 
    │    └───components
    │    │    
    │    └───constants
    │    │
    │    └───extensions
    │    │
    │    └───init
    │    │
    │    └───utility



Language:Dart 96.0%Language:Ruby 2.5%Language:Swift 1.2%Language:Kotlin 0.2%Language:Objective-C 0.1%