farukaydin / tyk-docs

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Tyk Documentation

Contains the Tyk Documentation source.

How to Contribute

We recommend contributing in the following way:

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone the forked repository on your machine
  • Create a remote branch, e.g git remote add upstream https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-docs.git
  • Fetch from the remote branch git fetch upstream
  • Rebase your branch with the latest remote branch content git rebase upstream/master

The following guide briefly explains how to work with Hugo, you would then need push to your forked repository and then create a Pull Request to Tyk's master branch.

How to Use

Our Documentation is constructed using Hugo.

To Install Hugo

  1. Install Hugo - v0.60 or above
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Run hugo server --theme=tykio --buildDrafts from the tyk-docs/tyk-docs directory
  4. Go to http://localhost:1313/docs to view the docs locally.

Adding and Editing Content

The docs content lives in tyk-docs/content.

Add a new Section

  1. Add a new folder in within the tyk-docs/tyk-docs/content/ Directory. For example new-section
  2. Within your new folder create a markdown file with the same name as the folder (including any hyphens). So for the above folder, create new-section.md. This file will be converted to the equivalent of an index.html file.
  3. You can then create other markdown files within that directory, that you can name as you want.


Front Matter

For each new file, you need to add YAML formated Front Matter:

date: 2017-03-08T18:15:57+13:00
title: Create an Account
    parent: 'Tyk Cloud'
weight: 5

You can create a dynamic, nested navigation hierarchy simply by changing the parent field to the name of the parent page. Note, these names must be unique.

For a new top-level page (like new-section.md in the example above), the front matter looks like this:

date: 2017-03-08T18:15:30+13:00
title: Get started with Tyk
menu: "main"
weight: 0
url: "/get-started-with-tyk"

Notice that we just define the menu field as a simple string.


The content itself is just markdown that follows the front matter block. When you add and edit new content, Hugo should auto-reload and you should be able to see the changes live in your browser (if not, refresh). Sometimes Hugo gets confused and you may need to re-run it.


There are various shortcodes used within the Tyk documentation.

Grid shortcode

There are 3 sizes of grid layouts. This is used in conjunction with the badges shortcode

  1. grid
  2. mid
  3. big


{{< grid >}}

Content goes here

{{< /grid >}}


{{< grid type="mid" >}}

Content goes here

{{< /grid >}}


{{< grid type="big">}}

Content goes here

{{< /grid >}}


The badge shortcode can be used in differing ways to populate the 3 grid types. We have used these on the default docs landing page, and the Tyk Cloud landing page. The examples are from the default landing page.

Quickstart Installation Badge

## Quickstart Installation

{{< grid >}}

{{< badge read="15 mins" href="/docs/tyk-cloud/" image="/docs/img/tyk-cloud.svg" >}}
Sign up for our new, next level **SaaS** product. 
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge read="15 mins" href="/docs/getting-started/with-tyk-on-premises/installation/on-aws/" image="/docs/img/aws.png">}}
Install our **On-Premises** product on AWS. 
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge read="10 mins" href="/docs/getting-started/installation/with-tyk-on-premises/docker/" image="/docs/img/docker.png">}}
Install our **On-Premises** product with Docker. 
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge read="10 mins" href="/docs/getting-started/installation/with-tyk-on-premises/with-kubernetes/" image="/docs/img/k8s.png">}}
Install our **On-Premises** product with Kubernetes. 
{{< /badge >}}

{{< /grid >}}


Tyk Stack Badge

This badge uses the mid grid shortcode type.

## The Tyk Stack

{{< grid type="mid" >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/gateway/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}
**Tyk Gateway**

The primary application for Community Edition users and Pro users alike, the Tyk Open Source API Gateway does all the heavy lifting of actually managing your requests.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/dashboard/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}
**Tyk Dashboard**

The Tyk Dashboard is the visual GUI and analytics platform for Tyk. It provides an easy-to-use management interface for managing a Tyk installation as well as clear and granular analytics.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/pump/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}
**Tyk Pump**

The Tyk Pump is our open source analytics purger that moves the data generated by your Tyk nodes to any back-end. It is primarily used to display your analytics data in the Tyk Dashboard.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/developer-portal/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}
**Tyk Developer Portal**

The Tyk Developer Portal is a small CMS-like system that enables you to expose a facade of your APIs and then allow third-party developers to register and use your APIs.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/mdcb/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}

The Multi Data Centre Bridge allows for centralised management of multiple independent Tyk clusters and the seamless transition of APIs between environments, availability zones and segmented nodes.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge href="/docs/getting-started/tyk-components/identity-broker/" image="/docs/img/diagram.png" imageStyle="height:150px" >}}
**Identity Broker**

The Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) is a microservice portal that provides a bridge between various Identity Management Systems and your Tyk installation.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< /grid >}}


Features Badge

## Feature Setups

{{< grid >}}

{{< badge title="Security" href="/docs/basic-config-and-security/security/tls-and-ssl/" >}}
#### TLS & SSL

TLS connections are supported for all Tyk components
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="Dashboard" href="/docs/tyk-dashboard-analytics/" >}}
#### Analytics

Learn how to segment and view your API traffic and activity
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="New in v3.0" href="/docs/graphql/" >}}
#### GraphQL

Tyk supports GraphQL natively. Proxy to existing service or build it from scratch.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="Integration" href="/docs/advanced-configuration/integrate/sso/" >}}
#### Single Sign On

Log into dashboard and portal with your existing IDP.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< /grid >}}


Resources Badge

This uses the big grid shortcode type.

## Resources

{{< grid type="big" next="/adasd">}}

{{< badge title="Tyk Cloud" href="/asd" image="/docs/img/blog_placeholder.png" read="10 mins" >}}
#### Feature

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="API Manager" href="/asd" read="10 mins" >}}
## Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="Tyk Gateway" href="/asd" read="10 mins" image="/docs/img/blog_placeholder.png" >}}
#### Feature

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="API Manager" href="/asd" read="10 mins" image="/docs/img/blog_placeholder.png" >}}
#### Feature

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< badge title="API Manager" href="/asd" read="10 mins" image="/docs/img/blog_placeholder.png" >}}
#### Feature

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
{{< /badge >}}

{{< /grid >}}



We have 3 button types that can be used in conjuction with the Grid layout shortcode. These all aligh centrally and use the Tyk colour palette.

{{< button href="/docs/basic-config-and-security/" color="black" content="More Tyk Configuration" >}}

{{< button href="/docs/getting-started/key-concepts/" color="red" content="Tyk Concepts" >}}

{{< button href="/docs/getting-started/installation/" color="green" content="All installation options" >}}

image image image

Note and Warning shortcodes

Use these instead of the usual markdown blockquote style.


{{< note success >}}

For this release of Tyk Cloud, you need to enter your AWS Region manually.
{{< /note >}}



{{< warning success >}}
We recommend you restrict your IAM user as much as possible before sharing the credentials with any 3rd party, including Tyk Cloud. See [IAM User Permissions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users_change-permissions.html) for more details.
{{< /warning >}}



Tyk is released under the MPL v2.0 please see the license file for a full version of the license.

The Pipeline

If you push to this repository, Buddy Works will compile and push the static site to our dev server (details in slack).




Language:CSS 79.8%Language:HTML 11.4%Language:JavaScript 7.8%Language:Ruby 0.9%