faris17-meet / Y2YL201617_Week5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Week 5 - Intro to JavaScript

In today's lab, you will be refreshing your JavaScript skills and creating a social media applicaiton called "MEETBook"


Part 1 - JavaScript Basics

You will be using a cool online editing program called JSFiddle to practice executing your code. Paste your answers in the answers.js file included in this lab.

Perform each of these operations on a seperate line of code.

1. Variables


  • Declare a float variable called "temperature" and set it equal to 98.6

  • Increase temperature's values by 5

  • Multiply temperature's new value by 3

  • Subtract temperatures's new value by 20

  • Print out the new value of temperature

2. Data Structures


  • Create an array called Days_of_the_Week containing the strings "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" and "Saturday" as entries.

  • Translate all of these days of the week into Spanish by referencing their indicies. Ex: Days_of_the_Week[0] = "domingo";

0 - domingo
1 - lunes
2 - martes
3 - miercoles
4 - Jueves
5 - viernes
6 - sabado
  • Create a dictionary containing key/value pairs of ice cream flavors and their costs:
Vanilla : $1.99
Chocolate : $2.49
Strawberry : $2.25
  • Update the cost of Chocolate to $.99, create an entry for Pistacio at the price of your choice, and delete Strawberry from the dictionary. Print out your new dictionary.

3.Functions & Conditional Statements


  • Write a function called DoIHaveToGoToSchoolToday(index) that takes in an integer value which represents the day of the week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday) It should either print out "Yes, today is {day of the week} . You have to go to school." or "No, today is {day of the week} based upon the days you and your partner go to school. If there is a day where only one of you is off, let's assume you both get that day off :-)



You are monitoring the price of gasoline in your neighborhood over the course of a year. Each month you store the price of a liter of gasoline in the list below:

price_of_Gasoline = [5.88, 5.93,6.05,4.99,5.66,6.08,5.33,6.01,4.87,6.99,7.03,5.52]

Write a for loop that will calculate how much we spent per month in gasoline if each month we bought 40 liters of gas.

Part 2 - DOM Manipulation

Hey, I've got an idea, let's do a hostile takeover of the MEET website!!

  • In your browser open http://meet.mit.edu

  • Right-click anywhere in your screen and select "Inspect". This will bring up a set of development tools that we can use directly on any website.

  • Hover through the page and see if you can find the div container that holds the form for signing up for the newsletter.

  • On the console tab in the developer tools type the following:

document.getElementsByClassName('col-3 right')[0].style.display="None";

What happened? Can you explian what this code is doing to the DOM? Write your answer in the answers.js file.

Part 3 - MEETBook

In this portion of the lab you will design a social network for MEET called “MEETBook”. All the necessary files are in a folder called MEETBook in this repository

In the head, under where you've imported your css, add:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
   alert('I love falafel!’);

  • Save and reload the page. If you did this right, you should get a popup that tells you that you love falafel.

  • Now remove the alert statement and replace it with:

$('body').click(function() {
     var firstElement = $(this).first();
     firstElement.css('background-color', 'red');
  • Click anywhere in the body of your news feed page and see what happens.

Now that you've got a good grasp of the basics, lets add some functionality to the MEETBook experience!

  • Add jQuery to the page. The latest version of jQuery can be found here:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-
* Make sure that jQuery loaded and actually works. To do this, create a new script tag like so:
'''<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {
        alert('i love cats');

Now refresh the page in the browser and see what happens.

Adding MEETBook Functionality

Take a look at the MEETbook news feed. It's pretty static, right? For this lab, you're going to make it more interactive. Here are some ideas:

  • Make statuses change color when you hover over them.

  • Add a little 'x' to the top of each status so that when you click on it, the status gets deleted/ hidden.

  • Take a look at what animations and widgets are available in jQueryUI and steal one of them for your page

  • Demos (I think draggable is really cool!!)

  • Documentation

  • If you use jQueryUI, don't forget to include it with a <script> tag in the <head>

  • Add a textbox to the top of the page where you can input a new status. Make a button so that when you click it, the status gets added to the page

  • Or you can do something else that isn't on this list. Just think of something fun and create it!!

  • Start writing your own code in the function that's passed to $document.ready() (remove the 'i love cats' alert and put your own code).

Adding AJAX Functionality

Read through the W3Schools documentation on AJAX to understand how to create a basic AJAX operation. Add a button to change the background color of the webpage

Part 4 - Extra Practice

Check out some more really cool JavaScript Exercises that you can implement on your website.



Language:JavaScript 57.3%Language:HTML 26.1%Language:CSS 16.6%