Farhan Khan (Falcon) (farhanx)


Geek Repo

Company:blockchains falcon

Location:Saudi Arabia | UAE | Pakistan

Home Page:http://www.blockchainsfalcon.com

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Farhan Khan (Falcon)'s repositories


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how a 100% decentralized platform on the Ethereum network can be independently established and run without any central body which controls the publishing processes. The idea is to introduce an autonomous organization which will allow researcher and scientific community to collaborate without depending on the intermedeiaries. Therefore, the Ethereum public blockchain network is used in this project and developed a login system with the simple registration process for researchers, reviewers, and authors.



Blockchain Stuff, Smart contracts, Truffle solutions, dAPPs, Erc-20 Token, NFTs, DeFi , Web3, Solidity, Ethereum, and many more.



This project demonstrate that how a government or any super authority can utilize the Ethereum blockchain for the attestation of citizen's PII data. By empowering the user and allowing user to verify his information on any third party website using his Ethereum account through Web.3.0 wallets.



I have made these steps for people who are struggling connecting their Geth nodes to Beacon Proof of Stake chain Ethereum using Consensus Client. By following these steps you can able to have your personal blockchain node and you don't need any third party provider like Infura.



This is a web project where I have created a chatbot using augmented reality webgl apis who can listen your query through your microphone through chatgp3 apis. Then it replies back in the audio so you dont need to read any text. using text to speech and speech to text apis from google cloud



A DID is a unique identifier that is globally unique and can be associated with an individual, organization, or thing.



This is an election based dAPP connected with IPFS and using Ethereum Smart Contracts, Web3JS. It allows to add new electoral candidates, voting and viewing result. Specially this dapp is built for students to learn blockchain.



This contract I have built for the Alnafi students to teach them how an Escrow smart contract can work between Seller and buyer. How a seller can deposit his tokens for the period of time till he doesn't receive the item for which he would like to pay. The entire exercise video is available on the Alnafi paid program.



Spring boot java application with spring-security and project structure



This is a legitimate DAO Protocol for NFT , which make sure the asset value in the decentralized world is legitimate in terms of its real value. This DAO is based on reputation and NFT assessment protocol by the members who can evaluate any NFT based asset on any Market place. This is a prototype.



A Decentralized Application can sign an NFT package before sending it to the NFT smart contract for lazy minting. A proper verification in terms of digital signature and signing through its private key. The Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm used from Openzeppelin



This smart contract is built for my Alnafi students the purpose is to Provide a smart contract with a service to store user public bio-data which should live forever. But before storing a user need to pay in advance some ethers.



Easy Library to generate self signing Version 1 or Version 3 Cerificates , Signing intermediate certificates , export PFX , JCA , PVK , keystores and related PKI files


A prototype of Khan Stablecoin with minting , burning and redeeming requests.
