faradox / PyMusicLooper

A script for creating seamless music loops, with play/export support.

Home Page:https://pypi.org/project/pymusiclooper/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A python script for repeating music seamlessly and endlessly, by automatically finding the best loop points.


  • Find loop points within any music file (if they exist).
  • Supports a large set of different audio formats, and all the popular ones (MP3, OGG, M4A, FLAC, WAV, etc).
  • Play the music file endlessly and seamlessly with the best discovered loop.
  • Export to intro/loop/outro sections for editing or seamless playback within any music player that supports gapless playback.
  • Export loop points in samples to a text file (e.g. for use in creating custom themes with seamlessly looping audio).



The following software must be installed for pymusiclooper to function correctly.

  • Python >= 3.6
  • ffmpeg (adds support for MP3 and other audio formats)
  • mpg123 to play/preview music loops through the terminal (Note: pymusiclooper will still work without mpg123, however terminal playback will not be available, disabling the following functionalities: the default --play option, and the loop preview function in interactive mode)

Installing using pip

pip install pymusiclooper

Installing directly from git

pip install git+https://github.com/arkrow/PyMusicLooper.git


usage: pymusiclooper [-h] [-v] [-i] [-p] [-e] [--preserve-tags] [-t] [--stdout] [-r] [-f]
                     [-n N_JOBS] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MIN_DURATION_MULTIPLIER] [-V]

A script for repeating music seamlessly and endlessly, by automatically finding the best loop

positional arguments:
  path                  path to file or directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         enable verbose logging output
  -i, --interactive     manually preview/choose which loop to use out of the discovered loop
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

  -p, --play            play the song on repeat with the best discovered loop point (default).

  -e, --export          export the song into intro, loop and outro files (WAV format).
  -t, --txt             export the loop points of a track in samples and append to a loop.txt
                        file (compatible with LoopingAudioConverter).
  --stdout              print the loop points of a track in samples to stdout (Standard Output)
Batch Options:
  -r, --recursive       process directories and their contents recursively (has an effect only if
                        the given path is a directory).
  -f, --flatten         flatten the output directory structure instead of preserving it when
                        using the --recursive flag.
  -n N_JOBS, --n-jobs N_JOBS
                        number of files to batch process at a time (default: 1). WARNING: greater
                        values result in higher memory consumption.

General Options:
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        specify a different output directory.
                        specify minimum loop duration as a multiplier of song duration (default:

PyMusicLooper will find the best loop point it can detect, and will then, depending on your arguments:

(a) play the song on repeat using the best discovered loop point (default, requires mpg123);

(b) export intro/loop/outro sections of the song (currently outputs as WAV-only; however you may convert them with ffmpeg or Audacity);

(c) export the loop points (in samples) directly or to a text file compatible with LoopingAudioConverter, which you can use for audio loops in custom theme creation, game engine audio loops, etc.

Note: using the interactive -i option is highly recommended, since the algorithmically chosen "best" loop point may not be perceptually good, mainly due to some chosen loop points causing 'sound popping' when played.

Example Usage

Side note: Most terminals support file drag-and-drop, which can be utilized instead of manual path navigation/selection.


Play the song on repeat with the best discovered loop point.

pymusiclooper "TRACK_NAME.mp3"


Export the song into intro, loop and outro files.

pymusiclooper -e "TRACK_NAME.ogg"

Export the loop points (in samples) of all the songs in a particular directory to a single loop.txt file (compatible with LoopingAudioConverter).

pymusiclooper -t "/path/to/dir/"

Instead of exporting the file into loop segments, the discovered loop points can be output directly to the CLI as sample points

pymusiclooper "/path/to/track.mp3" --stdout

Note: each line in loop.txt follows the following format: {loop-start} {loop-end} {filename}


If the loop is very long (or very short), you may specify a different minimum duration for the algorithm to use, which is 0.35 (35%) by default. If the most of the track is the loop section, specifying a higher multiplier will also speed the algorithm up. Here -m 0.85 means that, excluding silence, the loop section is at least 85% of the music track.

pymusiclooper "TRACK_NAME.flac" -m 0.85

Loop points can be chosen and previewed interactively before playback/export using the -i flag, e.g.

pymusiclooper "TRACK_NAME.wav" -e -i

Example of multiple functionalities in action

Export intro/loop/outro sections and loop points of all the songs in the current directory and its subdirectories, to a folder called "Music Loops", processing 4 tracks concurrently.

pymusiclooper -ret . -o "Music Loops" -n 4

Building from source

Required python packages: pip and setuptools.

Clone the git repository to a directory of your choice and cd to inside the repo.


python setup.py build

Followed by:

python setup.py install


This project started out as a fork of Nolan Nicholson's project Looper. Although at this point only a few lines of code remain from that project due to adopting a completely different approach and implementation; this project would not have been possible without their initial contribution.

Version History

  • v2.5.3 Completely removed defunct preserve tags function and its associated errors
  • v2.5.2 Hotfix for v2.5.1's redundant mpg123-related error message
  • v2.5.1 Added workaround for libsndfile mp3 loading issue; fixed error handling when no loop points were found, when audio has not been loaded or when mpg123 is unavailable.
  • v2.5.0 Added option to print loop points to terminal STDOUT (contributed by Coolsonickirby). Project relicensed to MIT license as of v2.5+.
  • v2.4.0 Temporarily disabled preserve_tags features to resolve dependency installation issues; pending re-implementation.
  • v2.3.0 Partial code re-organization and improvement; better exception handling
  • v2.2.0 Merged the 'complete' installation option with the 'core' installation
  • v2.1.0 CLI can now be launched directly by calling pymusiclooper in the terminal
  • v2.0.0 Rewrite of the core loop finding algorithm with performance optimizations and slightly better loop analysis
  • v1.7.0 Added an option to export a loop.txt file compatible with LoopingAudioConverter and a flatten option if the new directory behavior introduced in v1.6.2 is not desired. Fixed a bug with non-recursive batch export.
  • v1.6.2 Preserve source directory tree structure in batch output directory. Fixed json export bug.
  • v1.6.1 Lowered note similarity threshold to improve loop point quality
  • v1.6.0 Added interactive option for user loop selection
  • v1.5.1 Fixed issues caused by previous release's refactoring
  • v1.5.0 Batch mode now implicitly enabled based on given path
  • v1.4.0 Major improvements to the loop detection algorithm; added option to preserve tags
  • v1.3.2 Fixed fallback PLP method not working sometimes
  • v1.3.1 Fixed batch processing mode selection
  • v1.3.0 Added multiprocessing support and progress bar for batch export
  • v1.2.1 Save export output to a "looper_output" folder in the current working directory by default
  • v1.2.0 Removed unreliable cache implementation
  • v1.1.0 Added support for batch processing
  • v1.0.0 Initial Release


A script for creating seamless music loops, with play/export support.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%