Features / Needs
This project is a Simple RTSP server running on yi ants (tested only on YHS-113-IR with Hi3518eV200 proc) hacked with yi-hack-v3 files Based on idea from dvv (https://github.com/dvv) For more informations: shadow-1/yi-hack-v3#126
CAM: YHS-113-IR (27US) from Amazon
SDK: Hi3518E_V200R001C01SPC040 - Hi3518E_SDK_V1.0.4.0
RTSP: based on https://github.com/LaurenLuoYun/vencrtsp
YI-HACK-V3: https://github.com/shadow-1/yi-hack-v3
Files to copy on sd cards.
startup.sh will replace yi init.sh file by an alternative version.