falcucci / event-manager-api

Yet, another rest API that provides an easy way to manage and track events.

Home Page:https://event-manager-api.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The event-manager-api is a rest API that provides an easy way to manage and track events.

It allows users to create, update, and delete events, as well as view and search them.

check it out the app who consumes this service.


Run in Postman Swagger logo

You can choose the documentation you are more comfortable with to check it out. As I do everything in postman to validate I also create always a doc about the services I am working with. As simple as that, import it and run.



  • Users can register an account
  • Users can log in into their account
  • A system of token rotation is implemented. The API provides a user with access_token and a refresh_token, as well as a way to refresh and validate the access_token. The lifetime of the access_token is 1 hour and the lifetime of the refresh_token is 1 day
  • Users can create events in the app's database (postgres)
  • Users can see the list of events they have created
  • Users can see a list of all events
  • Users can edit the events they have created but not the ones created by other users
  • Users can register to an event or un-register. This can only be done in future events and not in past events.
  • Documentation
  • API docs (swagger or other)
  • Tests
  • Add logic to manage an event capacity: if event reaches maximum number of registered attendees, an error should be returned to a user trying to register
  • Add some filtering to endpoints retrieving events (e.g. date , type, status, past events, future events, etc)
  • Create a frontend to consume the API

Installation and Running of Django Project

This guide will help you install and run a Django project.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • Pip
  • Virtualenv


Clone the project:

git clone git@github.com:falcucci/event-manager-api.git

Create a virtual environment:

virtualenv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Install the project's dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Project

Migrate the database:

python manage.py migrate


python manage.py loaddata fixtures/*

Run the development server:

python manage.py runserver

Visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to view the project.


Name                                                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
authentication/__init__.py                                                  0      0   100%
authentication/admin.py                                                     1      0   100%
authentication/apps.py                                                      4      0   100%
authentication/migrations/0001_initial.py                                   8      0   100%
authentication/migrations/0002_delete_user.py                               4      0   100%
authentication/migrations/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
authentication/models.py                                                    1      0   100%
authentication/serializers.py                                              24      0   100%
authentication/tests.py                                                    18      0   100%
authentication/urls.py                                                      4      0   100%
authentication/views.py                                                    20      0   100%
core/__init__.py                                                            0      0   100%
core/health/main.py                                                         5      1    80%
core/settings.py                                                           22      0   100%
core/urls.py                                                                9      0   100%
events/__init__.py                                                          0      0   100%
events/admin.py                                                             1      0   100%
events/apps.py                                                              4      0   100%
events/migrations/0001_initial.py                                           7      0   100%
events/migrations/0002_event_capacity.py                                    4      0   100%
events/migrations/0003_alter_event_end_date_alter_event_start_date.py       5      0   100%
events/migrations/__init__.py                                               0      0   100%
events/models.py                                                           18      1    94%
events/permissions.py                                                      16      6    62%
events/serializers.py                                                      10      0   100%
events/tests.py                                                            51      0   100%
events/urls.py                                                              5      0   100%
events/views.py                                                            59     13    78%
manage.py                                                                  12      2    83%
TOTAL                                                                     312     23    93%


Yet, another rest API that provides an easy way to manage and track events.



Language:Python 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%