fakel / ethereum-api

This project implements an ERC20 ethereum token and the web3 ethereum client into a REST API using an express/nodejs server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ethereum/Token API

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Install Ganache to have a local blockchain and start it. You will see 10 address and a mnemonic phrase. Copy RPC Server URL, e.g HTTP://

brew cask install ganache

Create .env in root


Clone repo and start server

git clone git@github.com:ar-to/ethereum-api.git
cd ethereum-api
npm install
npm start

in new terminal check if connected and what accounts you have on the node

curl http://localhost:3000/api/eth/syncing

Getting Started

Please read notes for important information before developing.

Run Private Test Node

The easiest method to run a local private ethereum node that will also mine blocks to facilitate creating transactions and to tests this api is via Ganache GUI application.

brew cask install ganache

Open application and it will automatically create 10 addresses. Save the mnemonic phrase if you want to use it again. It will be set the url to


Add connections to config/connections.json, and set the name of the network you want to use for the API using "connectApi": "network-name",

  "networks": {
    "connectApi": "ganache",
      "url": "",
      "networkId": "5777",
      "networkName": "ganache",
      "networkType": "testrpc",
      "token": {
        "ownerAddress": "0x451E62137891156215d9D58BeDdc6dE3f30218e7",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0x4c59b696552863429d25917b52263532af6e6078",
        "migrateContractAddress": "0xcf068555df7eab0a9bad97829aa1a187bbffbdba"
      "erc20Tokens": []

Copy the same parameters from ganache above to other networks.

Environment Variables

You can change the port for the server and overwrite the node url from the connections.json by adding it in a .env file at the root directory.


Remember to restart your server after changing environment variables. If running nodemon run npm run nodemon again

Truffle Token Contract

This requires familiarization with truffle framework and open-zeppelin for making ERC20 token contracts.

Development local node

First add the same OWNER_ACCOUNT address from the environment variable into the truffle.js file from parameter so the owner to the contract is set to this address when deployed.

  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      network_id: "*", // Match any network id
      from: "0x451E62137891156215d9D58BeDdc6dE3f30218e7"

Testnet node

(e.g. Ropsten, etc)

See section on adding new networks

Run truffle commands

Make sure you have truffle installed glabally before trying these commands.

Run Compile when changes are made to the token-contract/contracts directory.

bash bin/truffle-compile

Run Migrate to deploy contract to node. Truffle will migrate new deployments inside token-contract/migrations directory but ignore those already sent.

bash bin/truffle-migrate

Resetting to overwrite the existing contracts can be done with:

bash bin/truffle-migrate-reset

See scripts for all available scripts.

Remember to update the addresses in the .env file so the api will know which address to use for the token contract and owner.


start the server

git clone url
cd projectname
npm install
npm start"

start server with custom port and in debug mode

npm run dev

To run server and watch for changes and run debugger via --inspect

npm run nodemon

Adding Networks

Configuring testnets and mainnet is more complicated than with local nodes. You need to have a node that is connected to those blockchains and a url that is allowed to receive RPC calls. Then to connect it with this api, create a new JSON file for the network you are adding to network-wallets/ropsten.config.json

Then copy the following configuration and change it with the appropriate keystore and password:

  "keystore": {
    "address": "008aeeda4d805471df9b2a5b0f38a0c3bcba786b"
    "crypto" : {
      "cipher" : "aes-128-ctr",
      "cipherparams" : {
          "iv" : "83dbcc02d8ccb40e466191a123791e0e"
      "ciphertext" : "d172bf743a674da9cdad04534d56926ef8358534d458fffccd4e6ad2fbde479c",
      "kdf" : "scrypt",
      "kdfparams" : {
          "dklen" : 32,
          "n" : 262144,
          "r" : 1,
          "p" : 8,
          "salt" : "ab0c7876052600dd703518d6fc3fe8984592145b591fc8fb5c6d43190334ba19"
      "mac" : "2103ac29920d71da29f15d75b4a16dbe95cfd7ff8faea1056c33131d846e3097"
    "id" : "3198bc9c-6672-5ab3-d995-4942343ae5b6",
    "version" : 3
  "password": "password",
  "url": ""

Read about what is a keystore

Then inside truffle.js add the following to the top

// ROPSTEN testnet
const ropstenConfig = require("../network-wallets/ropsten.config.json");
var ropstenProvider;
  const keystore = ropstenConfig.keystore;
  const pass = ropstenConfig.password;
  const url = ropstenConfig.url
  console.log('keystore', url)
  var wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet').fromV3(keystore, pass);
  ropstenProvider = new WalletProvider(wallet, url);

still inside truffle.js add a new network:

ropsten: {
  provider: ropstenProvider,
  network_id: '3',
  gas: 2249435,
  gasPrice: 20000000000,

Grab the gas and gas price from helpers directory, using the token-contract/helpers/gasEstimate.js file.

Migrate/deploy with truffle. You can also add a script inside bin/

bash bin/truffle-migrate-ropsten

Do same for mainnet using network-wallets/mainnet.config.json


PM2 is used to handle starting the server, watching for changes in the directories and restarting the server if it crashes.

Deploy your repo file to a remote server and install pm2 globally

npm i -g pm2@latest
cd ethereum-api
npm install
npm run prod

This runs pm2 start ecosystem.config.js which start the server and watches for changes.

Pm2 helpful commands

  • pm2 logs API - this shows the logs for requests and errors. You can see these logs in ~/.pm2/logs/API-error-0.log
  • pm2 show API - shows information about process
  • pm2 stop API - this stops process.
  • pm2 delete API - delete process after its stopped. NOTE: may be necessary if the server does not restart after files are updated

To restart server when machine reboots


  1. This api uses web3 for interacting with the node, but manual curl commands can be used via RPC calls. Test the bash bin/rpc-call to test an rpc call.

  2. Install a solidity extension into your choosen editor when developing contracts

  3. the contracts are compiled into the token-contract/build/contracts directory and it was added to /gitignore as a comment to facilitate migrating new contracts during development when using a local private node. But when coming back to the default contract simply compile and migrate or migrate with reset to overwrite existing contracts.

  4. Extra directories:

  • deployed-contracts directory that can store the artifact files (e.g.abi, Token.json) if you want to keep different deployments to interact with your contracts in the future. Read here for storing contracts in version control.


  1. This API is meant ot be used with an ERC20 token. Future release may add other tokens or feel free to experiment and pull request a new token.
  2. To use a custom abi for interacting with the erc20 add "customAbi": "abi.js" to the config/connections.json. The value refers to the name of the file (requires the extension) and this file need to be added inside the deployed-contracts directory.
"customAbi": "abi.js"


  1. This api implement web3 v1.0 instead of manual rpc calls to the node.


Scripts are added for convenience to allow commands to be performs from the root and for testing.

  • rpc-call - a curl command via an rpc call to communicated to a node. Remember to change the url:port to connect to the correct node and address when using the eth_getBalance method or pass it as an argument:
sh bin/rpc-call
  • bash bin/truffle-compile

  • bash bin/truffle-migrate

  • bash bin/truffle-migrate-reset

  • bash bin/truffle-migrate-ropsten

  • bash bin/truffle-gas-estimate


There are scripts that perform operations and follow this tips to create new ones.

Create a new bash or node script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env node
chmod +x ./bin/newscript

Add it to package.json is optional

  "scripts": {
    "script": "./bin/newscript"


The token-contract/helpers directory has files that can help with contract,truffle or web3.

  • gasEstimate.js - estimate the gas, gas price and total gas that a contract will consume. This information is needed for deploying to testnets and mainnet.


bash bin/truffle-gas-estimate


Using network 'development'.

Gas Price is 20000000000 wei
Gas Price is = 20 gwei
gas estimation = 2249435 units
gas cost estimation = 44988700000000000 wei
gas cost estimation = 0.0449887 ether


Read about what is a keystore file and how to make one. Above keystore taken from here If using the geth client for creating your node, you can run geth account new, enter your password and check the keystore/ directory for the keystore file. This directory is next to the chaindata where you are storing the blockchain data.

Error Debugging

Setting up can be somewhat complicated if not tedious. Maybe in future releases there will be much more efficient way to setup but for now fixing and understanding error is best to guarantee everything is running correctly. Below are a few warnings or error you may see and possible ways to solve them. More added as they are found. Keep in mind error do not necessarily mean bugs, but it does not mean a bug is not present. If an error turns out to be a bug file an issue and your solution. Thanks.

  • Invalid JSON RPC response: "" - This may show as a response from testing the api endpoint the first time you are connecting to a node. It is a failure to connect by web3 provider. Solution:
    1. restart your server
    2. Check you have the correct node url inside the .env file
    3. Make an RPC call to the node using the bin/rpc-call script to test for connection. See scripts section for details
    4. wait until the connection is successful and try the endpoint you got the error again
  • {package} was compiled against a different Node.js version using - best solution is to rebuild packages by first updating npm and node and then npm rebuild

Sample Contracts

Sample constracts are used for reference and can be found in token-contract/samples.

  • advancedToken.sol - sample token code that has been fixed to meet solidity v0.4.23. This can be tested by adding it into Mist app. Deploy using TokenERC20 token name.

Version Control

Question about storing artifact files (e.g. Token.json) after truffle compiles contracts with abi and contract addresses for different networks. Community in gitter (chat app) recommended to add to VC but optional not to.


Full example of connections.json and available parameters

  "networks": {
    "connectApi": "ropsten",
      "url": "",
      "websocketUrl": "'ws://localhost:7545",
      "networkId": "5777",
      "networkName": "ganache",
      "networkType": "testrpc",
      "token": {
        "ownerAddress": "0x451E62137891156215d9D58BeDdc6dE3f30218e7",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0x4c59b696552863429d25917b52263532af6e6078",
        "migrateContractAddress": "0xcf068555df7eab0a9bad97829aa1a187bbffbdba"
      "url": "",
      "websocketUrl": "ws://",
      "blockWebhookUrl": "http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook",
      "syncingWebhookUrl": "http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook",
      "testWebhookUrl": "http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook",
      "networkId": 3,
      "networkName": "ropsten",
      "networkType": "testnet",
      "token": {
        "ownerAddress": "0x83634a8eaadc34b860b4553e0daf1fac1cb43b1e",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb",
        "migrateContractAddress": "0xa8ebf36b0a34acf98395bc5163103efc37621052",
        "customAbi": "abi.js"
      "erc20Tokens": [
          "name": "threshodl",
          "contractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb"
          "name": "golem",
          "contractAddress": "0x9a0027f3c0fc4fab7825fcf50dd55dfdcca07cd6"
          "name": "bokky",
          "contractAddress": "0x583cbBb8a8443B38aBcC0c956beCe47340ea1367"

Bugs to Fix

transferOwnership & kill functions both catch an 'invalid address'. The response it 200 with false boolean indicating request failed.

  • api/eth/tx-from-block/hashStringOrNumber endpoint seems to fail when connected to Ropsten Testnet but not with ganache local node

  • subscription does not seem to work and or do


There is always room for improvement, but below is a list of tasks to tackle first.

  • error handling needs to be better and standarized. Using combination of promises/catch and try/catch but only some error are sent as a response, most stop the server and the requests gets timedout.
  • add a way to calculate default gas when transferring tokens for multi-token and owner-token apis
  • Get transferFrom branch working and debugged, which also included payments to the contract. This branch is for the owner api but can be integrated into the multi-tokens api once it works correctly.
  • Add unit tests via mocha, jest
  • Add logging via winston package and rotate daily
  • setup a quick one command program that will create a private Ethereum node and connect node to it. Possible adding flags for the type (testnet, main, or specific network like ropsten). Test bitcore does this so test and use as reference on how a config is setup and everything is created.
  • setup a docker container to quickly run server

ERC20 Token Endpoint Notes

There is currently two ways to communicate to tokens, both requiring erc20 tokens. The first is for general requests and owner specific requests. The second, is meant to communicate to multiple tokens by simply adding a name for the endpoint and the token contract used for communication.

Owner Token API

This api is used for communications with the erc20 contract deployed within this repo and given in the connections.json:

      "token": {
        "ownerAddress": "0x83634a8eaadc34b860b4553e0daf1fac1cb43b1e",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb",

The paths that can be used that are specific to this api are:


ERC20 Multi-Token API

This API supports multiple erc20 token connections. This means, you can communicate to different tokens by simply changing a path parameter in the url. See the instructions below Below you change the tokenName and erc20Method and

The paths that this api features are below:



Add the erc20Tokens array parameter to the config/connections.json to add new tokens. Then add each new token as an object with a name and contractAddress parameter.

  "networks": {
    "connectApi": "ropsten",
      "token": {
      "erc20Tokens": [
          "name": "threshodl",
          "contractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb"
          "name": "golem",
          "contractAddress": "0x9a0027f3c0fc4fab7825fcf50dd55dfdcca07cd6"
          "name": "bokky",
          "contractAddress": "0x583cbBb8a8443B38aBcC0c956beCe47340ea1367"

Then test is by adding it the name path param

Request (GET method):



    "method": "test",
    "params": {
        "tokenName": "threshodl"
    "erc20Available": [
            "name": "threshodl",
            "contractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb"
    "success": "Token threshodl is available on this api!"

You can now use the rest of the api endpoints.

Get Balance

Get the balance for an address with the token selected.

Sample Request (GET method):



    "method": "getbalance",
    "params": {
        "tokenName": "threshodl",
        "address": "0x83634a8eaadc34b860b4553e0daf1fac1cb43b1e"
    "erc20Available": [
            "name": "threshodl",
            "contractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb"
    "tokenBalance": "11300"

Request Transfer

This endpoint transfers tokens from the owner to any address, hence the request of tokens. The caveat is to unlock the owner address provided in the connections.json because it takes this as the global owner. This endpoint could be part of the owner-token api but because it can be made by any token it is best left here.


Transfer tokens between any two addresses.




  • gas[optional] - Example: "gas": 41000. Defaults to gas from web3.eth.estimateGas()
  • fromAddres[required]
  • toAddress[required]
  • value[required] - number/string. Keep in mind the decimal spaces for the token contract. Usually is 18. Example below is 2, so 100 is actually 100 tokens.
  • privateKey[required] - sender(fromAddress) private key.
  • priority[required] - low, medium, high. Based on thi api and fast, average and safelow are divided by 10.


	"toAddress": "0x07CE1F5852f222cc261ca803a1DA4a4016154539",
	"value": 100,
	"gas": 41000,
	"privateKey": "0x7f74657374320000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000057"


    "method": "transfer",
    "params": {
        "tokenName": "threshodl"
    "body": {
        "toAddress": "0x07CE1F5852f222cc261ca803a1DA4a4016154539",
        "value": 100,
        "gas": 41000,
        "privateKey": "0xa6b7d3fb531567b199d025ded92cb86c685dba5247d4455041319bb0108985e7"
    "erc20Available": [
            "name": "threshodl",
            "contractAddress": "0x3e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb"
    "transferABI": "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000007ce1f5852f222cc261ca803a1da4a40161545390000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064",
    "txSignature": {
        "messageHash": "0x28f36a05a927a8d245119baef7a0f0333e441dca6256601b42fba8c827b87b6b",
        "v": "0x2a",
        "r": "0xac47468f77fa1c862e66a28e76672e1a9586bca5074df3c2af8d0c53b9dfff36",
        "s": "0x1d8b87ff4d719103aff2a4384444a356f2d03bcbbeec6208acedfbcd0e6b569c",
        "rawTransaction": "0xf8a841843b9aca0082a028943e672122bfd3d6548ee1cc4f1fa111174e8465fb80b844a9059cbb00000000000000000000000007ce1f5852f222cc261ca803a1da4a401615453900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000642aa0ac47468f77fa1c862e66a28e76672e1a9586bca5074df3c2af8d0c53b9dfff36a01d8b87ff4d719103aff2a4384444a356f2d03bcbbeec6208acedfbcd0e6b569c"
    "sendTxHash": {
        "txHash": "0x3d556ffdb7faa9577eec1251a84477d1ddaa5a12e64920d4f2bad2fc64d6cf9d"

Token Transaction Verification

Verifying a token transaction can be done fast by looking at Ropsten Etherscan for example. Go to your address and check the transaction was successful, then check the contract address and receiver address for the same transaction.

To do this with this api and potentially create a check using blocks and transactions you need to do the following:

  • perform the transfer
  • get the block and transactions for that block via a GET request to this endpoint http://localhost:3000/api/eth/block/{block-number}?showTx=true and replace the block number with the once you see in Etherscan or via a custom webhook that receives new blocks. The response will show all the details for each transaction. Then use the transaction hash you got from the transfer and search it the response.
  • Use the "to" address from that transaction and perform a contract check to verify that it is a contract. Send a GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/token/check-for-contract/{address}. The response will give you a "isContract": true, and the contract bytecode if its a contract.
  • Check the "from" address in that transaction and you will see the address tokens would have been received at. This and the contract check is the way to verify a token transfer.

Ethereum Endpoint Notes

The ethereum endpoint for this API uses the web3js so parameters for a web3 method is normally supported by the endpoint unless otherwise specified.

Get Block Info

The following endpoints can be used to get information about blocks and even transactions.

  • /api/eth/tx:txHash : get transaction details by the transaction hash

  • api/eth/tx-from-block/hashStringOrNumber : hashStringOrNumber can be same as in the web3 docs, e.g. /latest or 0xa343d89bb0447c8a22c8ce73bf35504d9363e234b2a1a8229d40b69ce3439fc5. See bug for problem when using it in Ropsten

  • api/eth/block/2?showTx=true&useString=latest : 1 is the blocknumber, the query showTx will show the transaction object in the output when set to true, and the query useString will overwrite the block number and use one of the strings used in the getBlock api such as latest to get the most recent block.

Create address

GET request


Get public address from private key

GET request


Get Transaction info

You can get information about the transaction you want to send before sending it. Information like gas, gas price, amount in wei and ether, etc.

send a POST request with transaction object below to the api/eth/send-tx-info endpoint

  "from": "0x451E62137891156215d9D58BeDdc6dE3f30218e7",
  "to": "0xAb7faf7bDAE1B9D0F757e2a8aB120619b388C4c6",
  "value": "0.1",
  "gasPrice": "high"


    "amountToSendEther": "0.1",
    "amountToSendWei": "100000000000000000",
    "gasPrices": {
        "low": 7,
        "medium": 9,
        "high": 14
    "gasPriceTypeDefault": "low",
    "gasPriceDefault": 7000000000,
    "gasPriceTypeCustom": "high",
    "gasPrice": 14000000000,
    "estimatedGas": 21000,
    "gas": "41000",
    "params": {
        "from": "0x451e62137891156215d9d58beddc6de3f30218e7",
        "to": "0xab7faf7bdae1b9d0f757e2a8ab120619b388c4c6",
        "gasPrice": "0x342770c00",
        "value": "0x16345785d8a0000"
    "paramsUpdated": {
        "from": "0x451E62137891156215d9D58BeDdc6dE3f30218e7",
        "to": "0xAb7faf7bDAE1B9D0F757e2a8aB120619b388C4c6",
        "gas": "41000",
        "gasPrice": 14000000000,
        "value": "100000000000000000"

You can change the following:

  • from - takes a valid ethereum address
  • to - takes a valid ethereum address
  • value - takes a string number in ether
  • gas - you can send it without gas to see the estimatedGas and then modify it from there
  • gasPrice - ["low", "medium", "high"] are the options and you can see that in the gasPrice{} object that is outputted. So if you don't pass "gasPrice": "high" from the above example the transaction will return gasPriceDefault value.

The rest of the parameters are for your information:

  • gasPrices{} - taken from https://ethgasstation.info/json/ethgasAPI.json
  • gasPriceTypeDefault - default gas using gasPrices.low * 1000000000;
  • estimatedGas - taken from web3.eth.estimateGas(txObject), where txObject is created from the other parameters and is shown as params
  • params - transaction object that is used to calculate the estimated gas
  • paramsUpdated - is the final transaction object that will be used for sending the transaction

Note: you may notice that nonce is not a parameter accepted for changing because it is optional for the sendTransaction() function. If required it needs to be updated in the api to accept it as a parameter.

Send Transaction

Sending a transaction uses the paramsUpdated object and passes it to web3.eth.sendTransaction(paramsUpdated) and requires a the from address to be an unlocked keystore address from inside the node


    "transactionHash": "0x7c948c9d17c80ae0e89074eddab614c2ce24d6185b21f9aa2d9fb03d393d3dec",
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "blockHash": "0x5ea250d8c2a1e4e9cead27a457f79cce084a494f9f3009e9f806d7a81030296d",
    "blockNumber": 12,
    "gasUsed": 21000,
    "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000,
    "contractAddress": null,
    "logs": [],
    "status": true,
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Sign and Send Manually

To sign with a private key and send the raw transaction follow these instructions for constructing your request:

Get Transaction Info

http://localhost:3000/api/eth/send-tx-info POST request with the following json to see your data:

  "from": "0xA8D26e47CD1CB6Fc0803cA7D64D395bb38bc33de",
  "to": "0x87E426ff6Deb0dF15CD98CAae0F63cf027D711b3",
  "value": "0.002"

If you are sending transactions from the same from address consecutively, you will need to increase the nonce by one so add it to your request

  "nonce": 1

You will see the a change in the nonce. You want to pay attention to the paramsToSign parameter because it will be used to sign the transaction next.

Sign transaction

http://localhost:3000/api/eth/sign-tx and pass the POST request json:

  "from": "0xA8D26e47CD1CB6Fc0803cA7D64D395bb38bc33de",
  "to": "0x87E426ff6Deb0dF15CD98CAae0F63cf027D711b3",
  "value": "0.002",
  "privateKey": "0x7f74657374320000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000057"

See web3 api for details on the out put and grab the rawTransaction parameter hex encoded transaction

Send Signed Transaction

http://localhost:3000/api/eth/send-signed-tx POST request with json:

	"rawTransaction": "0xf86b04850218711a008252089487e426ff6deb0df15cd98caae0f63cf027d711b387071afd498d00008029a063542de27e66ea4a92f1270cbef3cd6ed9ad0b8bafbdcd0cedfcc25e2d731da7a05a7fb9dec086a6b1e4c0c19410b1b2f10a76c9f6198351731e92096534b67624"


Webhooks allow data to be sent as POST request to an external url specified in the config/connections.json inside the blockWebhookUrl paramater.

To use this webhook you need to have websockets connected see websockets for more information

  "blockWebhookUrl": "http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook",
  "testWebhookUrl": "http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook",

The testWebhookUrl parameter is used for testing but following these instructions:

Run this api server and then run these

brew cask install ngrok
ngrok http 3000

grab the ngrok url and add it the testWebhookUrl parameter e.g.http://4f5a64ba.ngrok.io/api/eth/webhook.

Then open the debug url for ngrok e.g.

Send a post request to http://localhost:3000/api/eth/post-to-webhook and watch two request show, one for the request and the second that send another POST request to the /api/eth/webhook endpoint


A websocket connection to the node is used to subscribe to events (e.g. new blocks, transactions, see web3 api) and required to use the webhook feature which sends these subscriptions to a specified url.


You need to enable a websocket connection inside the node and add that url to the connections.json

  "websocketUrl": "ws://",

or .env files which will overwrite the connections.json parameter


Websockets are an experimental feature, and the code can be found inside server/app/helpers/web3-websocket.js There is one subscriptionType that is corrently tested and working:


Another is to get status on the syncing of the node with the most current block. Needs more testing so use with caution


Create subscription To create a subscription to block headers so every new block will be emitted and POSTed to a webhook url.


Remove Subscription



To get this endpoints run:

Request (GET method):



        "path": "/",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/network",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/get-web3-provider",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/get-contract",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/get-contract-instance",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/check-for-contract/:address",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/node-accounts",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/balance",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/balance/:address",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/owner",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/add-tokens/:amount",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/transfer-tokens",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/transfer-owner",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/kill-token",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/transfer-from",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/:tokenName",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/:tokenName/getbalance/:address",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/:tokenName/transfer",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/:tokenName/request-transfer",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/token/:tokenName/decode-tx-input",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/syncing",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/balance/:address",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/block",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/block/:blockNumber",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/tx/:transactionHash",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/tx-receipt/:transactionHash",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/tx-from-block/:hashStringOrNumber",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/create-account",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/get-account/:privateKey",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/accounts",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/wallet",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/wallet/create",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/wallet/add/:privateKey",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/wallet/remove/:publicKey",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/wallet/clear",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/send-tx-info",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/sign-tx",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/send-signed-tx",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/send-tx",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/subscribe-syncing",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/subscribe-block",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/close-subscriptions/:subscriptionType",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/post-to-webhook",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api/eth/webhook",
        "methods": [
        "path": "/api-endpoints",
        "methods": [


This project implements an ERC20 ethereum token and the web3 ethereum client into a REST API using an express/nodejs server

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:CSS 0.1%