fahmi277 / responsive_flutter

A Flutter package for scaling the size your apps UI and fontSize across different sized devices

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/responsive_flutter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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A Flutter package for scaling the size your apps UI and fontSize across different sized devices, insipired from react-native-size-matters and react-native-responsive-dimensions


You just need to add responsive_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  responsive_flutter: ^0.0.4


// Inside build function to pass context

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
        color: Colors.red,
        width: ResponsiveFlutter.of(context).scale(120),
        height: ResponsiveFlutter.of(context).verticalScale(100),
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(ResponsiveFlutter.of(context).moderateScale(8)),
        child: Text("Responsive flutter",
            style: TextStyle(fontSize: ResponsiveFlutter.of(context).fontSize(3))));


  • wp(double percentage)
    Will return the percentage of the screen's width.

    // Example 20% of screen's width
  • hp(double percentage)
    Will return the percentage of the screen's height.

    // Example 20% of screen's height
  • fontSize(double size)
    Will return fontSize that occupies exactly size% of the screen size.

  • scale(double size)
    Will return linear scaled result of the provided size, based on your device's screen width.

  • verticalScale(double size)
    Will return linear scaled result of the provided size, based on your device's screen height.

  • moderateScale(double size, [double factor]) Sometimes you don't want to scale everything in a linear manner, that's where moderate scale comes in.
    The cool thing about it is that you can control the resize factor (default is 0.5).
    If normal scale will increase your size by +2X, moderateScale will only increase it by +X, for example:
    ➡️ scale(10) = 20
    ➡️ moderateScale(10) = 15
    ➡️ moderateScale(10, 0.1) = 11


A Flutter package for scaling the size your apps UI and fontSize across different sized devices


License:MIT License


Language:Dart 100.0%