fahimfarhan / Compiler

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Compiler of a Subset of C Language

In this project, we build a simple compiler that compiles a subset of C language into Assembly x86. The project demonstrates various parts / working mechanism of a compiler such as scanning, semantic analysis etc.

Useful tutorial

This looks promising! link


  1. Linux terminal
  2. A good understanding of recursion
  3. Basic graph theory
  4. Topological sort
  5. Theory slides
  6. git version control system (otherwise your pc will be full of CompilerBackup1.zip, CompilerBackup2.zip, CompilerBackup2-1-backup-no-10000.zip, and so on...)

The Compiler

The project can be divided into 4 parts. Each part can be viewed on its corresponding branch on github for the sake of convenience. You can download a branch in this way:

Fire up your terminal and type in:

$ git clone -b <branch-name> https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git

So for example, to download the development branch, use:

$ git clone -b develop https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git

You can find the main codes in the following files:

  1. Token.h
  2. ScopeTable.h
  3. SymbolTable.h
  4. myheader.h (In Assignment 3, the previous 4 were merged into 1 file, named MyHeader.h, due to some technical issues/header related errors)
  5. start.cpp
  6. lexer.l (Assignment2 version)
  7. scanner.l (modified lexer.l file/Assignment 3 version)
  8. parser.y

The branches are described below:

1. Compiler1:

Download command:

$ git clone -b Compiler1 https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git

Here we develop a Symble Table that holds various Tokens. A Token is a pair <TOKEN_NAME , TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE>. To run the code, fire up your linux terminal and run the following commands:

$ cd src
$ g++ start.cpp
$ ./a.out < zinput.txt > zoutput.txt

The commands are in a file named 1script.sh and so you can also run it.

2. Compiler2:

Download command:

$ git clone -b Compiler2 https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git

Here we use Flex to write pattern matching codes that convert our source program into Tokens and shows verbous description with error detection in a log file. Input: C code Output: Tokens, log file

Sample input: src/zinput.txt Sample output: src/ztoken.txt (tokens) , zlog.txt (the log file)

To run the code, fire up your linux terminal and run the following commands:

$ cd src
$ flex lexer.l 
$ g++ lex.yy.c
$ ./a.out zinput.txt ztokenout.txt

3. Compiler3:

16/08, Friday: So after a whole day of trials and errors, I am stuck with this error called segmentation fault. This is literally what I see on the terminal:

./run.sh: line 12: 10218 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ./compiler.out

I now kinda understand how YACC/Bison works. But I'm out of luck, energy and will power to debug where the segmentation fault is occuring. Mission abort. A summary of what I did from starting of part 3 till today is written below:

Okay, this one is a bit tricky. So follow my instructions precisely:

$ git clone -b Compiler3 https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git

Start with easy stuffs, add more stuffs as you advance. For example, I started from the demo simple calculator provided by teacchers. First I added the file I/O. Once everything was working, I moved on forward. Make sure you keep a backup / checkpoint after each successful changes, preferably using git,or else you are in a big trouble! This small version is in src-simple folder. Once you are comfy with the skeleton, you know, input vs output is working without errors, proceed with the real grammar.txt file.

  • #define YYSTYPE Token * Add this line to both of the flex and bison files. That will save you a lot of trouble.
  • I was having some technical problems with 3 header files, so I merged them into one MyHeader.h.
  • Be advised, code one thing at a time. Or else you are as good as dead. So for example, in scanner.l, add rules related to CONST_INT :
        string s = yytext;
        Token *token = new Token;
        yylval = (YYSTYPE)token;
        return CONST_INT;

And in your parser.y file maybe you can add:

factor:  ... ... // previously implemented codes
      | CONST_INT        {  // just add code for CONST_INT
                                $$ = $1;

Then run

$ ./delete.sh   # this will delete all the generated files like lex.yy.c, y.tab.c , ...
$ ./run.sh      # actually run 

If ok, proceed forward. Else, debug, make sure your code is working.

  • If you keep your lexical errors from Assignment 2, make sure you keep a corresponding code segment in the bison file. So if you keep,
{ILL_FORMED_FLOAT}  {       
                    fprintf(errorfile, "LexError at Line %d: %s\n", LineNo, yytext);
                    return ILL_FORMED_FLOAT;

, create a corresponding terminal in your parser.y file:

factor      :  ...
            |  ...
            | ILL_FORMED_FLOAT {    /*corresponding empty body, otherwise you'll get errors, and                              waste time like a lifeless person */ }
            |  ...

4. Compiler4:

Download command:

$ git clone -b Compiler4 https://github.com/fahimfarhan/Compiler.git


I am literally out of will power to carry on anymore. Besides I need to focus on other works. I might come back again later and try to finish the unfinished works.



License:MIT License


Language:C 75.8%Language:Yacc 9.9%Language:C++ 8.7%Language:Lex 5.3%Language:Shell 0.4%