Simple, easy to use, PHP package for sending messages to Slack.
Send pretty, colourful messages with rich attachments quickly with this friendly API.
Compatible with PHP >= 5.3
Via composer
"require": {
"lygav/php-slackbot": "0.0.*"
Without composer, via PHAR
From the command line, enter into the cloned repository dir and run:
php makephar
You will see that a new file was created named "phpslackbot.phar". Then in your application:
include 'path/to/phpslackbot.phar';
The rest is the same as when installed with 'composer'
Your first message
$bot = new Slackbot("");
Direct messages
$bot->text("Hi all!")
Create pretty, colorful attachments easily
$bot->buildAttachment("fallback text")
->setText("We can have *mrkdwn* `code` _italic_ also in attachments")
Customise freely
$attachment = $bot->buildAttachment("fallback text"/* mandatory by slack */)
->setPretext("pretext line")
->setText("attachment body text")
Human web-safe colors automatically
translated into HEX equivalent
->addField("short field", "i'm inline", TRUE)
->addField("short field 2", "i'm also inline", TRUE)
Set/ Override every possible setting
$options = array(
'username' => 'my-bot-name',
'icon_emoji' => ':icon name:',
'icon_url' => '',
'channel' => '#test-channel'
$bot = new Slackbot($url, $options);
$bot->text("check out bot new icon")->send();
// Choose to override 'last minute' (ex. when dealing with multiple consequtive messages)
$bot->text("check out bot new icon")->send(array("username" => "other-bot-name"));
Advanced Usage
Use custom transfer handlers
$handler = new MockHandler();
$bot = new SlackBot($url, ['handler' => $handler]);
$bot->text("some text")