Kunal Verma's repositories
This is a django based Blog website in which user can signup, login, create posts, delete posts, like and dislike post, comment on posts and delete that comment and has a users profile page withit. this is a full-fledged working blog webapplication. Post can be filtered via categories and can be updated, deleted too. try this out yourself.
I've created a simple console based game in python and included a .exe file which can be exuted on any windows machine. i know the code is not much neat but i've gave it my all.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Website For Local Business
It's just a simple game in which we have to make prediction about who's got a higher no of follower's on instagram and game continues unitil we make a wrong guess.
This web application allows users to register and create task lists with deadlines. Once a task is completed, users can mark it as done and also delete it if necessary. Users have the option to update their profiles or delete their profiles from the database.
just some practiced python codes..
I've created a simple game of rock paper and scissors using python. i have attached a executable file in game.zip folder which can be played on any windows machine.
Simple Task manager with flask
Weather app that fetch data for a location form api