fadenb / puppet-puppet

100% free range, organic, pesticide free Puppet module for managing Puppet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


100% free range, organic, pesticide free Puppet module for managing Puppet.



At an absolute minimum, you need the following.

class { "puppet::server":
  servertype   => 'standalone',
  manifest     => '/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp',
  ca           => true,

This should get you a puppetmaster running under webrick which might scale to about 10 nodes if the wind doesn't blow too hard.

If, however, the moon is in the next phase then you probably want to use something that scales a bit more.

class service::puppet::master($servertype, $ca = false) {

  class { "::puppet::server":
    modulepath   => [
    storeconfigs => "puppetdb",
    reporturl    => "https://my.puppet.dashboard/reports",
    servertype   => 'unicorn',
    manifest     => '$confdir/environments/$environment/site.pp',
    ca           => $ca,
    reports      => [

  include puppet::deploy
  include puppet::reports::irccat
  include puppet::reports::graphite


100% free range, organic, pesticide free Puppet module for managing Puppet