facebookresearch / theseus

A library for differentiable nonlinear optimization

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Baspacho device doesn't accept "cuda:0"

luisenp opened this issue · comments

          By setting smaller w and h, try `autograd_mode="dense"`, I find it's a bug for theseus:
import torch
import theseus as th
import torchlie.functional as lieF

def _photometric_error(T_wc1: th.SE3, T_wc2: th.SE3,
                       d1: th.Vector, d2: th.Vector,
                       image1: th.Variable, image2: th.Variable,
                       p_unit_sphere_or_plane: th.Variable,
                       k: th.Variable) -> torch.Tensor:
    """note: undistort and crop image ahead, since mask not supported."""
    batch_size = image1.shape[0]
    h = image1.shape[2]
    w = image1.shape[3]

    # bidirectional projection: 2 -> 1
    T_c1c2 = T_wc1.inverse().compose(T_wc2)
    p_c1 = lieF.SE3.transform(T_c1c2.tensor, p_unit_sphere_or_plane.tensor * d2.tensor.view(batch_size, h, w, 1))
    p1 = p_c1[:, :, :, :2] / p_c1[:, :, :, 2, None]  # (batch_size, h, w, 2)
    p1 = p1 * k.tensor[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) + k.tensor[:, 2:4].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
    image2_in_1 = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(image1.tensor, p1, padding_mode="border")
    err12 = image2_in_1 - image2.tensor

    # bidirectional projection: 1 -> 2
    T_c2c1 = T_c1c2.inverse()
    p_c2 = lieF.SE3.transform(T_c2c1.tensor, p_unit_sphere_or_plane.tensor * d1.tensor.view(batch_size, h, w, 1))
    p2 = p_c2[:, :, :, :2] / p_c2[:, :, :, 2, None]  # (batch_size, h, w, 2)
    p2 = p2 * k.tensor[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) + k.tensor[:, 2:4].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
    image1_in_2 = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(image2.tensor, p2, padding_mode="border")
    err21 = image1_in_2 - image1.tensor

    # the original error dim is too big, make it impossible for Jacobian (batch_size, err_dim, var_dof)
    err = torch.cat((err21, err12), dim=1)
    err = torch.nn.functional.huber_loss(err, torch.zeros(1, dtype=err.dtype, device=err.device),
                                         reduction="none", delta=0.5)
    return torch.sum(err, dim=(1, 2, 3)).unsqueeze(1)  # (batch_size, 1)

def photometric_error_fix_pose(optim_vars, aux_vars) -> torch.Tensor:
    d1: th.Vector = optim_vars[0]  # unknown scale, > 0, better rescale ahead, (batch_size, h x w x 1)
    d2: th.Vector = optim_vars[1]  # unknown scale, > 0, better rescale ahead, (batch_size, h x w x 1)

    image1: th.Variable = aux_vars[0]  # (batch_size, 1, h, w) {normalized_intensity}
    image2: th.Variable = aux_vars[1]  # (batch_size, 1, h, w) {normalized_intensity}
    p_unit_sphere_or_plane: th.Variable = aux_vars[2]  # (batch_size=1, h, w, 3)
    k: th.Variable = aux_vars[3]  # (batch_size=1, 4) {fx, fy, cx, cy}
    T_wc1: th.SE3 = aux_vars[4]
    T_wc2: th.SE3 = aux_vars[5]

    return _photometric_error(T_wc1, T_wc2, d1, d2, image1, image2, p_unit_sphere_or_plane, k)

def main():
    device = "cuda:0"
    dtype = torch.float32
    h = 10
    w = 10
    image1 = th.Variable(torch.rand(1, 1, h, w, dtype=dtype, device=device))
    image2 = th.Variable(torch.rand(1, 1, h, w, dtype=dtype, device=device))
    depth1 = th.Vector.rand(1, h * w, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=True)
    depth2 = th.Vector.rand(1, h * w, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=True)
    T_wc1 = th.SE3.rand(1, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=True)
    T_wc2 = th.SE3.rand(1, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=True)

    k = th.Variable(torch.tensor([481.20, -480.00, 319.50, 239.50], dtype=dtype, device=device).view(1, 4))
    with torch.no_grad():
        x_coords = torch.linspace(0, w - 1, w, device=k.device)
        y_coords = torch.linspace(0, h - 1, h, device=k.device)
        fx, fy, cx, cy = k[0, 0], k[0, 1], k[0, 2], k[0, 3]
        x_normalized = (x_coords - cx) / fx  # (w)
        y_normalized = (y_coords - cy) / fy  # (h)
        p_unit_sphere_or_plane = torch.empty((1, h, w, 3), dtype=k.dtype, device=k.device)
        p_unit_sphere_or_plane[..., 0] = x_normalized.view(1, 1, w)
        p_unit_sphere_or_plane[..., 1] = y_normalized.view(1, h, 1)
        p_unit_sphere_or_plane[..., 2] = 1
    p_unit_sphere_or_plane = th.Variable(p_unit_sphere_or_plane)  # (batch_size=1, h, w, 3)

    optim_vars = depth1, depth2
    aux_vars = image1, image2, p_unit_sphere_or_plane, k, T_wc1, T_wc2
    weight = th.ScaleCostWeight(torch.tensor(1., dtype=dtype, device=device))
    cost_function = th.AutoDiffCostFunction(optim_vars, photometric_error_fix_pose, 1, weight,
                                            aux_vars=aux_vars, autograd_mode="dense")
    objective = th.Objective(dtype=k.dtype)
    objective.device = device
    optimizer = th.LevenbergMarquardt(
    theseus_layer = th.TheseusLayer(optimizer)
    theseus_outputs, info = theseus_layer.forward(optimizer_kwargs={
        "verbose": True,
        "adaptive_damping": True})

if __name__ == "__main__":
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/lora_slam/test/reproduce.py", line 98, in <module>
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/lora_slam/test/reproduce.py", line 86, in main
    optimizer = th.LevenbergMarquardt(
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/theseus/theseus/optimizer/nonlinear/levenberg_marquardt.py", line 69, in __init__
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/theseus/theseus/optimizer/nonlinear/nonlinear_least_squares.py", line 90, in __init__
    self.linear_solver = linear_solver_cls(
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/theseus/theseus/optimizer/linear/baspacho_sparse_solver.py", line 45, in __init__
  File "/home/huangkun/Git/theseus/theseus/optimizer/linear/baspacho_sparse_solver.py", line 111, in reset
    self.symbolic_decomposition = SymbolicDecomposition(
RuntimeError: Expected device == "cpu" || device == "cuda" to be true, but got false.  (Could this error message be improved?  If so, please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)

baspacho_sparse_solver only accept device name as "cpu" or "cuda", but mine is "cuda:0"

Originally posted by @EXing in #596 (comment)