IsometricPatternMatcher is a C++ library. It proposes a hex-grid, intensity-modulated calibration pattern for camera intrinsics and extrinsics calibration, and have corresponding code for generating and matching the proposed pattern. Its usage is similar to that of calibu.
- For generating an isometric pattern (see
for complete example):
IsometricGridDot grid(
args.verticalSpacing / 1000, // vertical spacing, should be approximate sqrt(3)/2 * horizontal spacing
args.horizontalSpacing / 1000, // horizontal spacing
args.dotRadMm / 1000, // radius of dot, should be as small as possible
args.numberLayer, // 1 layer has 1+6=7 dots, 2 layers have 1+6+12=19 dots, ...
args.gridRowsCols, // you can pick only the center square region of the hex pattern
args.seed); // random seed for binary encoding.
- For pattern matching (see
for complete example):
PatternMatcherIsometric::IsometricOpts isometricOpts;
isometricOpts.focalLength = args.focalLength;
isometricOpts.ifDistort = args.ifDistorted;
std::unique_ptr<PatternMatcherIsometric> matcher =
std::make_unique<PatternMatcherIsometric>(pattern, isometricOpts);
PatternMatcherIsometric::Result res = matcher->Match(image);
- CMake build tested with Linux and Mac OSX systems.
- Depends on Pangolin, fmt, glog, and ceres-solver.
depends on CLI11.test
depends on googletest.
Send emails to ilyesse${zero-eight} AT gmail for questions. See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.
IsometricPatternMatcher is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.