fabx / terraform-google-k8s-gce

Modular Kubernetes Cluster for GCE using Terraform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kubernetes Cluster on GCE Terraform Module

Modular Kubernetes Cluster for GCE.


module "k8s" {
  source      = "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-google-k8s-gce"
  name        = "dev"
  network     = "k8s"
  region      = "${var.region}"
  zone        = "${var.zone}"
  k8s_version = "1.8.1"
  num_nodes   = "${var.num_nodes}"

Input variables

  • name (required): The name of the kubernetes cluster. Note that nodes names will be prefixed with k8s-.
  • k8s_version (optional): The version of kubernetes to use. See available versions using: apt-cache madison kubelet. Default is 1.7.3
  • cni_version (optional): The version of the kubernetes cni resources to install. See available versions using: apt-cache madison kubernetes-cni. Default is 0.5.1.
  • docker_version (optional): The version of Docker to install. See available versions using: apt-cache madison docker-ce. Default is 17.06.0
  • dashboard_version (optional): The version tag of the kubernetes dashboard, per the tags in the repo: https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard. Default is v1.6.3.
  • compute_image (optional): The project/image to use on the master and nodes. Must be ubuntu or debian 8+ compatible. Default is ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1704.
  • network (optional): The network to deploy to. Default is default.
  • subnetwork (optional): The subnetwork to deploy to. Default is default.
  • region (optional): The region to create the cluster in. Default is us-central1
  • zone (optional): The zone to create the cluster in.. Default is us-central1-f.
  • access_config (optiona): The access config block for the instances. Set to [] to remove external IP. Default is [{}]
  • master_machine_type (optional): The machine tyoe for the master node. Default is n1-standard-4.
  • node_machine_type (optional): The machine tyoe for the nodes. Default is n1-standard-4.
  • num_nodes (optional): The number of nodes. Default is 3.
  • add_tags (optional): Additional list of tags to add to the nodes.
  • master_ip (optional): The internal IP of the master node. Note this must be in the CIDR range of the region and zone. Default is
  • pod_cidr (optional): The CIDR for the pod network. The master will allocate a portion of this subnet for each node. Default is
  • service_cidr (optional): The CIDR for the service network. Default is
  • dns_ip (optional): The IP of the kube DNS service, must live within the service_cidr. Default is
  • depends_id (optional): The ID of a resource that the instance group depends on. This is added as metadata tf_depends_id on each instance.
  • pod_network_type (optional): The type of networking to use for inter-pod traffic. Either kubenet or calico.
  • calico_version (optional): Version of Calico to install for pod networking. Major and minor version only, example: 2.4 or 2.6.

Output variables

  • master_ip: The internal address of the master.
  • depends_id: Id of the master managed instance group depends_id output variable used for intra-module dependency creation.

Resources created


Modular Kubernetes Cluster for GCE using Terraform

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 70.4%Language:Shell 29.6%