fabriguespe / xmtp-quickstart-pwa-thirdweb


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XMTP PWA with Thirdweb Tutorial


npm install
npm run start

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating an XMTP app with Thirdweb.

Step 0: Setup

For thirdweb SDK to work as a fresh install you need to install this packages

npm install @thirdweb-dev/react "ethers@^5"

You also need to polyfill with multiple libraries. Copy paste this into your packages.json

"url": "latest",
"http": "npm:http-browserify",
"https": "npm:https-browserify",
"zlib": "npm:browserify-zlib",
"http-browserify": "latest",
"https-browserify": "latest",
"browserify-zlib": "latest",
"assert": "^2.0.0",
"stream": "^0.0.2"

Step 1: Setup

First, you need to import the necessary libraries and components. In your App.js file, import the ThirdwebProvider from @thirdweb-dev/react and wrap your main component with it.

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
    authUrl: "/",
    domain: "http://localhost:3000/",
  <InboxPage />

Step 2: Web3Button

Use the Web3Button hook to get the wallet modal button.

  !signer && (
    <div style={styles.xmtpContainer}>
      <Web3Button action={() => login()}>Login</Web3Button>
  signer && (
    <FloatingInbox isPWA={isPWA} wallet={signer} onLogout={handleLogout} />

Step 3: XMTP Integration

In your component, use the useSigner hook from @xmtp/react-sdk to get the XMTP client.

import { useSigner } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
import { useClient } from "@xmtp/react-sdk";

const signer = useSigner();
const { client, error, isLoading, initialize } = useClient();
await initialize({ keys, options, signer });

Step 4: Message Handling

In your MessageContainer component, use the useMessages and useSendMessage hooks from @xmtp/react-sdk to get the messages and send messages.

const { messages, isLoading } = useMessages(conversation);
const { sendMessage } = useSendMessage();

Step 5: Conversation Handling

In your ListConversations component, use the useConversations and useStreamConversations hooks from @xmtp/react-sdk to get the conversations and stream new conversations.

const { conversations } = useConversations();
const { error } = useStreamConversations(onConversation);

That's it! You've now created an XMTP app with Thirdweb.





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