fabric8io / hubot-base

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hubot base image

Contains the fabric8 hubot plugins and dependencies

To be extended by the various adapters such as Slack, IRC and Lets Chat

Configuration Variables

  • HUBOT_GRAFANA_HOST - Host for your Grafana 2.0 install, e.g. 'http://play.grafana.org'
  • HUBOT_GRAFANA_API_KEY - API key for a particular user


	export HUBOT_GRAFANA_HOST=http://play.grafana.org
	export HUBOT_GRAFANA_API_KEY=abcd01234deadbeef01234

Hubot integrations

Grafana - https://github.com/stephenyeargin/hubot-grafana Jenkins - to be added
