fabianschu / prime-launch-dapp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The PrimeDAO’s Home for IDOs

This is the PrimeDAO web interface enabling the creation of and interaction with IDOs.

Technical Description

This project is bootstrapped by aurelia-cli.

It is written mostly in Typescript, HTML and SCSS, and is bundled using Webpack.

For more information about bundling, go to https://aurelia.io/docs/cli/webpack


Install dependencies with the following command:

npm ci


There are several ways to build and run the application. Each of the following build commands will output to the dist folder. After building, run following to launch the result in the browser:

npm run start

Build with optimized code against mainnet

npm run build

(This is the production build.)

Build with optimized code against kovan

npm run build-kovan

Build unoptimized code against kovan

npm run build-dev

Build unoptimized code against mainnet

npm run build-dev-mainnet


Each of the following commands will serve up a site that will support Hot Module Reload (HMR). You can then use your favorate debugger to launch the app at http://localhost:3330.

Build and serve, running against kovan

npm run serve-dev

Build and serve, running against mainnet

npm run serve-dev-mainnet

Update Required Contracts Information

Prime Pool relies on solidity contract addresses and ABIs that it obtains from the contracts package. In the case that any of these contracts change, you may clone the contracts package in a folder sibling to this one, and run a script to pull the required information from the contracts package into this one, by running the following:

npm run fetchContracts

Featured Seeds List

Prime Launch refers to a list of Seeds that it will display as "Featured" to its users, looking at runtime for this list in the master branch of this repository at /src/configurations/featuredSeeds.json.


Various code dependencies include:

  • ethplorer.io, at api.ethplorer.io, for token information
  • coingecko, at api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins, for token information
  • the Balancer subgraph, at api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/balancer-labs/balancer, for pool information
  • Web3Modal for selecting wallet providers
  • ethers.js for interacting with ethereum and wallet providers
  • Rivet for the mainnet provider


Run npm run lint and confirm that lint succeeds before git commits.

You can run npm run lint.fix to have lint automatically fix all fixable errors.

Automated Tests

Run npm run test.

To run in watch mode, npm run test --watch.

Webpack Analyzer

To run the Webpack Bundle Analyzer, do npm run analyze (production build).

Run Locally or Host Centrally

Environment Variables

Make sure you have in your environment (or in a ".env" file) the following:


When building for production, the build will look for variables in ".env.production".



Language:TypeScript 57.3%Language:HTML 19.6%Language:SCSS 18.6%Language:JavaScript 4.0%Language:EJS 0.4%Language:CSS 0.0%