fabianoroberto / money-converter

Sample project that expose a set of Rest API and allow math operation with old English currencies

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Money converter

Sample project that expose Products/Catalogs Rest APIs and perform math operations on old English Currencies


"Fino al 1970 nel Regno Unito il sistema monetario prevedeva pence, shilling e pound. Un pound valeva 20 shilling e uno shilling 12 pence (quindi un pound 240 pence)."

Si chiede di realizzare un'API REST che permetta di:

  1. Inserire, modificare e rimuovere articoli da un catalogo (un articolo ha un codice identificativo, un nome e un costo)
  2. Ottenere la lista degli articoli del catalogo o di un singolo articolo (dato il suo codice identificativo)
  3. Eseguire le principali operazioni aritmetiche:
    1. somma - esempio => 5p 17s 8d + 3p 4s 10d= 9p 2s 6d
    2. sottrazione - esempio => 5p 17s 8d - 3p 4s 10d= 2p 12s 10d
    3. moltiplicazione con un intero (no decimali) - esempio => 5p 17s 8d 2 = 11p 15 s 4d
    4. divisione resto (da indicare tra parentesi) con un intero (no decimali) - esempio => 18p 16s 1d/15 = 1p 5s Od (1s 1d)

Attenzione: gli endpoint devono poter ricevere e produrre i valori monetari come stringa, usando lo stesso formato degli esempi ovvero "Xp Ys Zd". Nel caso della divisione, se è presente un resto questo sarà indicato tra parentesi usando lo stesso formato "Xp Ys Zd" (vedi esempio 3.iv).

Tech Stack

Client: Stimulus, Bootstrap

Server: Symfony 5.2


bash dev/make/install.sh

Install script contain also loading "fake" data for Article and Catalog

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  make phpunit
  make phpspec

Build Backend

  make build_be

Build Frontend

  make build_fe

Build All

  make all

API Reference

Get all articles

  GET /api/v1/articles
Parameter Type Description
page integer Required. Page from which to start listing items
limit integer Required. How many items to return

Get article

  GET /api/v1/articles/{code}
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Code of item to fetch

Create article

  POST /api/v1/articles
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Name of article
description string Description of article
price string Required. Price representation in Xp Ys Zd format
photoUrl string Url of an article image (eg. https://picsum.photos/seed/picsum/200/300)
catalogs array Array of objects with format {"slug": "string"} where "slug" is catalog slug

Update article

  PUT /api/v1/articles/{code}
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Slug of item to update
name string Required. Name of article
description string Description of article
price string Required. Price representation in Xp Ys Zd format
photoUrl string Url of an article image (eg. https://picsum.photos/seed/picsum/200/300)

Remove article

  DELETE /api/v1/articles/{code}
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Slug of item to delete

Add article to catalogs

  PUT /api/v1/articles/{code}/catalogs
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Slug of item to update
catalogs array Array of objects with format {"slug": "string"} where "slug" is catalog slug

Remove article from catalogs

  DELETE /api/v1/articles/{code}/catalogs
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Slug of item to update
catalogs array Array of objects with format {"slug": "string"} where "slug" is catalog slug

Set article image

  POST /api/v1/articles/{code}/image
Parameter Type Description
code string Required. Slug of item to update
photo File Required. Image to upload

Get all catalogs

  GET /api/v1/catalogs
Parameter Type Description
page integer Required. Page from which to start listing items
limit integer Required. How many items to return

Get catalog

  GET /api/v1/catalogs/{slug}
Parameter Type Description
slug string Required. Slug of item to fetch

Create catalog

  POST /api/v1/catalogs
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Name of catalog
description string Description of catalog

Update catalog

  PUT /api/v1/catalogs/{slug}
Parameter Type Description
slug string Required. Slug of item to update
name string Required. Name of catalog
description string Description of catalog

Delete catalog

  DELETE /api/v1/catalogs/{slug}
Parameter Type Description
slug string Required. Slug of item to update

Sum prices

  POST /api/v1/math/sum
Parameter Type Description
addend1 string Required. First operand of sum
addend2 string Required. First operand of sum

Subtract prices

  POST /api/v1/math/sub
Parameter Type Description
minuend string Required. First operand of sub
subtrahend string Required. First operand of sub

Multiply prices

  POST /api/v1/math/mul
Parameter Type Description
factor1 string Required. First operand of mul
factor2 string or int Required. First operand of mul

Divide prices

  POST /api/v1/math/div
Parameter Type Description
dividend string Required. First operand of div
divisor string or int Required. First operand of div


After you create catalogs and articles, you can see results of yours API inserts into /products endpoint; also you can use math calculator APIs through /calculator endpoint.


👤 Fabiano Roberto


Sample project that expose a set of Rest API and allow math operation with old English currencies


Language:PHP 71.7%Language:Twig 15.7%Language:JavaScript 4.8%Language:Shell 4.7%Language:SCSS 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%