fabacab / syndication-links

Add and Display Syndication Links

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syndication Links

Contributors: dshanske
Tags: syndication, indieweb, indiewebcamp, POSSE
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 0.6.0
License: GPLv2 or later

Simple way to link to copies of your post elsewhere.


This plugin adds relational links to various parts of your site.

  1. It supports adding rel-syndication links to your posts, indicating where a syndicated copy is.
  2. It adds CSS that will, if the class 'social-icon' is attached to a link, it will display the appropriate one if available. This allows the setup to be extended very easily. You can use this with a WordPress menu to create some social icons.

Future Plans

  1. Add different display options.


  1. Upload the folder syndication-links' to the /wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  1. Justin Tadlock for the initial Social Icons design.
  2. Ryan Barrett for the initial version of the Bridgy code.


Version 0.6.0 - Add hooks and functions to allow additional urls to be added Version 0.5.0 - Clean up the plugin for initial release to WordPress repository. Version 0.5 - Moved to simplified data structure. Hidden migration function Version 0.4 - Rewriting using Grunt/SASS for more flexibility

Version 0.3 - Customizable Networks finished. Changed social icons CSS to automatically add only if the class for the list has social-icon in it.

Version 0.2 - Settings Screen rewritten using WordPress Settings API. Going to rewrite with customizable networks and thus option to disable sites you do not syndicate to. Added social icons CSS to automatically add icons to anything in a

  • Version 0.1 - Forked from the Semantic Comments plugin. Start of configurable options.

    Supported POSSE plugins and implementations

    The plugin supports pulling data from plugins that syndicate your content. Right now, it has experimental support for the Bridgy service.

    For anything not built in, it supports a filter 'syn_add_links' to add URLs, for potential use with any other plugin.

  • About

    Add and Display Syndication Links

    License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


    Language:CSS 62.0%Language:HTML 25.6%Language:PHP 10.3%Language:JavaScript 2.1%