faahim / trellis-slack-webhook-notify-during-deploy

Sends a deployment complete message to a Slack channel when Trellis deploys Bedrock.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trellis Slack Webhook Depolyment Notifications

GitHub tag license

Sends an initial deployment started and a deployment successful message to a Slack channel when Trellis deploys Bedrock.


  • Trellis v1.0.0 or later
  • Ansible v2.6 or later
  • Valid Slack Webhook URL


Deployment Screenshot


Add this role to requirements.yml or galaxy.yml in newer versions of Trellis:

# requirements.yml / galaxy.yml
- name: slack-notify
  src: https://github.com/ItinerisLtd/trellis-slack-webhook-notify-during-deploy
  version: 0.3.0 # Check for latest version!

Run the command:

➜ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force

With newer versions of Trellis, run:

➜ ansible-galaxy install -r galaxy.yml --force

Role Variables

Add these rolesdeploy_before & deploy_finalize_after to the deploy hooks:

# roles/deploy/defaults/main.yml
  - "{{ playbook_dir }}/vendor/roles/slack-notify/tasks/deploy_start.yml"


  - "{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/deploy/hooks/finalize-after.yml"
  - "{{ playbook_dir }}/vendor/roles/slack-notify/tasks/deploy_success.yml"

Add your Webhook token (end of the Webhook URL), channel and projects github repo into group_vars/all/main.yml

# group_vars/all/main.yml
slack_webhook_channel: '#development-alerts'
slack_git_repo_url: "https://github.com/username/repo-name"


Deploy as usual. No special action needed.


How do I get a Slack Webhook URL?

  1. Visit the "Your Apps" page on Slack
  2. Create an App (e.g. "Deployment alerts") and enable "Incoming Webhooks"
  3. Setup a Webhook for your desired Workspace
  4. Copy the Webhook URL for use in Installation

See Also


Syntax Check

➜ ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' --syntax-check tests/test.yml

Author Information

trellis-slack-webhook-notify-during-deploy is a Itineris Limited project created by Lee Hanbury-Pickett.

Special thanks to the Roots team whose Trellis make this project possible.

Full list of contributors can be found here.


Please provide feedback! We want to make this library useful in as many projects as possible. Please submit an issue and point out what you do and don't like, or fork the project and make suggestions. No issue is too small.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


trellis-slack-webhook-notify-during-deploy is released under the MIT License.


Sends a deployment complete message to a Slack channel when Trellis deploys Bedrock.

License:MIT License