f77 / Dashchan-Extensions

Dashchan Dvach extension /po fork

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dashchan Extension: dvach (/po fork)

Это форк dvach-расширения Dashchan с возможностью просмотра лайков в /po, /news и некоторых других разделах. This is a fork of the Dashchan app developed primarily for the 2ch imageboard.


Инструкции по установке читать в README приложения Dashchan Continued! Read install instructions in the README of Dashchan Continued app!

Dashchan Extensions

This repository is designed to store Dashchan extensions source code.

The source code is available in specific branch for every extension.

Use git clone -b %CHAN_NAME% https://github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan-Extensions to clone specific branch.

Video player libraries extension is located in the neighboring repository.

General dependencies: Public API, Static Library.

Building Guide

  1. Install JDK 8 or higher
  2. Install Android SDK, define ANDROID_HOME environment variable or set sdk.dir in local.properties
  3. Install Gradle
  4. Run gradle assembleRelease

The resulting APK file will appear in build/outputs/apk directory.

The API library may be updated. Use gradle --refresh-dependencies assembleRelease to build, then.

Build Signed Binary

You can create keystore.properties in the source code directory with the following properties:



Dashchan Dvach extension /po fork