f0rkz / ARKDaemon

A Python Tool for ARK Dedicated Servers

Home Page:http://www.f0rkznet.net

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARKDaemon: A Python Tool for ARK Dedicated Servers

This tool provides a suite of management tools for your Windows or Linux ARK: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server.

Please read over the README.md file thoroughly as important information is included here.

This tool is currently in development. Please submit issues if any come up!


  • 4/10/2016: Commit c72f655 Version 0.01 ready for production.
  • 4/13/2016: Commit 930c127 Version 0.05 Backup support added. Mods are working now!
  • 4/17/2016: Version 0.1 Web API feature added. New configuration options added.

##Currently known issues and untested features:

  • Complete map changes from TheIsland may cause your server not to operate. Still need a lot more testing
  • Mod install should work but it is currently untested.
  • Starting the server from the web api and then closing the web server will cause the ARK server to quit.


##Prerequisites In order to run this script the following needs to be installed: ###Windows

  • Make sure python is configured in Windows PATH Environment

You may also run into an issue with installing package requirements. If you get this error while running: pip install -r requirements.txt:

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat). Get it from http://aka.ms/vcpython27

Follow the link and install the msi Microsoft so kindly provided.


  • lib32gcc1: sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1
  • python2.7 or higher: sudo apt-get install python python-dev
  • pip: sudo apt-get install python-pip

####Linux System Configuration

ARK Recommends the following settings in your Linux environment. Click here for more information.

Add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf


Then run:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Add the following to /etc/security/limits.conf

  *               soft    nofile          1000000
  *               hard    nofile          1000000

Add the following to /etc/pam.d/common-session

session required pam_limits.so

You may need to reboot to make sure all of these settings took hold.

Script Installation

###Step 1: Clone the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/f0rkz/ARKDaemon.git

This will create the directory ARKDaemon. This directory will contain steamcmd, ARK's gamefiles, and everything you need to run ARK: Dedicated Server.

###Step 2: Install the python requirements by the usual methods.

pip install -r requirements.txt

You may need to run this as root (or administrator for you Windows folks) if you are not using an environment.

##Install steamcmd Steamcmd is required to install and update gameserver files and mods. In order to initiate steamcmd run the following command:

python ARKDaemon.py --install_steamcmd

##Install ARK Now you need to init your ARK install. Run the following (it will take a while...)

python ARKDaemon.py --install_ark


Configuration for the base server settings is stored in the server.conf file. The provided server.conf_EXAMPLE file is enough information to get your instance running. Copy the server.conf_EXAMPLE to server.conf and configure your common ARK settings here.

This file will change over time as the application evolves. Will attempt to notify in commit messages if new options are added.

#Operating the Server

##Starting the server python ARKDaemon.py --start

##Stopping the server python ARKDaemon.py --stop

This process may take a moment to complete. I suggest running status to see if the server is still running.

##Saving the World File This will run the saveworld command on the server (needs to be running).

python ARKDaemon.py --save_world

##Server Backup This will copy your current Mapname.ark and all the tribe and player profiles to a .tar.gz file that will be accessible in the ARK_BACKUPS directory.

python ARKDaemon.py --backup


python ARKDaemon.py -b

##Local Status This will get some information about the server (if it is running).

python ARKDaemon.py --status


$ python ARKDaemon.py --status
Status: Online
Server Name: f0rkznet ARK PvE
Server Version: 238.6
Server Map: TheIsland
Server Environment: Linux
Players: 0 / 70
CPU Usage: 25.0%
Memory Usage: 56%
Thread Count: 17

Web Admin Interface and API

The web portion of ARKDaemon is currently under development. The API is ready to go! Read up on how it works below.

Web Administration User/Pass

Please make sure you configure the following sections in your server.conf file:

admin_user = admin
admin_pass = password

Change admin_user and admin_pass to something more secure than admin:password.

A handy dashboard

Before the web interface is finished, I suggest hooking the status api object into freeboard.io or something similar. This will enable you to construct a handy at a glance dashboard for your server. SSL is required by freeboard.io.

alt text

##Running the web interface python ARKDaemon.py --web


python web.py

##Configuration Options [ARK_WEB] admin_user = admin admin_pass = password api_key = ssl_crt = ssl_key = port = 5000

admin_user: Used to login to the web administration tool

admin_pass: Used to login to the web administration tool

api_key: Generated by the script. You can create a key with the --api_key option. This key is utilized for the more sensitive api operations.

ssl_crt: Read more about this in the SSL Configuration part of the readme.

ssl_key: Read more about this in the SSL Configuration part of the readme.

port: The port to run the webserver. Default: 5000

SSL Configuration

If you require SSL for your API server, drop your server.key and server.crt in the ssl directory.

Getting Keys

I suggest utilizing letsencrypt for your SSL certificates. It's free!

./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d myarkserver.example.com

This will create the keys as follows:

/etc/letsencrypt/live/myarkserver.example.com/cert.pem The certificate PEM. /etc/letsencrypt/live/myarkserver.example.com/privkey.pem The private key.

Copy these into your ssl directory:

sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/myarkserver.example.com/cert.pem ssl/ cudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/myarkserver.example.com/privkey.pem ssl/

Unfortunately for windows users, you are on your own. Get a certificate and key by self-signing or buying a certificate. Let's Encrypt may have a Windows option, it is worth looking into for the free key.


You need to configure the following options in your server.conf file:

ssl_crt = cert.pem
ssl_key = privkey.pem

These are the file names of your certificate and key.

API Documentation

Server status

Useful status api endpoint to get server information:


World Save

Run the saveworld command on the server:



Backup ARK server:



Starts the server:


One thing to note about starting your server via the web interface:

If you ^C your web console, the server will stop. This is a known bug and a fix is in the works.


Stops the server:


Program Structure

| ARKDaemon.py: The main script
|____/ARK: Gameserver files contained here. Installed by script. Empty by default.
|____/ARK_BACKUPS: Backup directory.
|____/ARKWeb: Templates for the ARKDaemon Web interface
|____/ssl: Directory containing ssl certificates
|____/ARKDaemon: Modules for ARKDaemon
|____/steamcmd: Steamcmd files
|____/templates: Template files for configurations


A Python Tool for ARK Dedicated Servers


License:MIT License


Language:Python 90.3%Language:HTML 8.6%Language:CSS 1.1%