f / equiv-packages

Equiv Packages Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Equiv: Inter-Language Equivalent Finder

Language Definition

name: example
description: Example Language
url: http://example.com
  - name: String                # The name of the package
    description: String         # The description of the package
    instructions: String        # How to apply the concept
    homepage: URL               # Homepage of the package/concept
    source: URL                 # The source URL
    github: GitHub URL          # The GitHub URL to show star count.
    recommended: Boolean        # If the package is recommended (these will be top)
    stdlib: Boolean             # The concept is served in stdlib of the language
    install: String             # The command to run to install the package
    not_recommended: Boolean    # If the library/concept not very recommended

Programming Languages

Clojure, Crystal, Go, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, HTML, C++, TypeScript, Shell, Objective-C, Java, C, Python, Ruby, PHP, C#, Rust, Haskell, Swift, Elixir, Perl, Erlang

Concepts or Categories

Concept / Category Equiv Name
Arduino Framework arduino_framework
Asset Compiler asset_compiler
AST ast
Automation automation
BDD Framework bdd_framework
Benchmark Tool benchmark_tool
BitCoin bitcoin
Blog Generator blog_generator
Cache Manager cache_manager
Cassandra Driver cassandra_driver
CMS cms
Code Formatter code_formatter
Code Quality Checker code_quality_checker
Command Line Coloring command_line_coloring
Command Line Loading command_line_loading
Command Line Progress Bar command_line_progress_bar
Concurrency concurrency
CSS Framework css_framework
CSS Parser css_parser
CSV Parser csv_parser
Data Visualization data_visualization
Database Query Generator db_query_generator
Date & Time date_and_time
Debugger debugger
Deployment Tool deployment_tool
Documentation Generator documentation_generator
Encryption encryption
Environment Manager env_manager
EPUB Generator epub_generator
Error Handler error_handler
Error Reporter error_reporter
Fake Data Generator fake_data_generator
File Deleter file_deleter
File Upload file_upload
File Watcher file_watcher
Functional Programming functional_programming
Game Framework game_framework
Geocoding geocoding
Git git
GraphQL graphql
GUI Development gui_development
HTML Parser html_parser
HTTP Authentication http_authentication
HTTP Client http_client
HTTP Proxy http_proxy
HTTP Server http_server
I18n i18n
Image Processor image_processor
Immutability immutability
IP Finder ip_finder
JavaScript Minifier javascript_minifier
JSON json
Linter linter
Logger logger
Machine Learning machine_learning
Mail Client mail_client
Mail Server mail_server
Markdown markdown
Mathematics mathematics
Micro Web Framework micro_web_framework
MongoDB Driver mongodb_driver
Multiline Support multiline_support
MySQL Driver mysql_driver
NLP Framework nlp_framework
OAuth Client oauth_client
OAuth Server oauth_server
Oracle Driver oracle_driver
ORB orm
Package Manager package_manager
Parser Generator parser_generator
PDF pdf
Permission Control permission_control
Port Finder port_finder
PostgreSQL Driver postgres_driver
Process Manager process_manager
Profiler profiler
Random Number Generator random_number_generator
Random Text Generator random_text_generator
Redis Client redis_client
Regular Expression regular_expression
REPL repl
REST API Builder rest_api_builder
SQLite Driver sqlite_driver
Static Site Generator static_site_generator
Task Manager task_manager
TDD Framework tdd_framework
Template Engine template_engine
URL Formatting url_formatting
Web Framework web_framework
WebSocket websocket
YAML yaml
ZIP Archiver zip_archiver


Equiv Packages Repository