ezzabuzaid / ezzabuzaid

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

I'm Ezz abuzaid a Computer Engineer by specialization, Software Engineer by profession, and an Engineer at heart.

Nowadays, I mainly code TypeScript and used to do C# and Dart. I love working with new languages and technologies wherever an opportunity presents itself.

I love writing and have in-depth disucssions, my ultimate goal beside programming to be A Dev Journalist.

Sharing knowledge is a passion of mine, I do this by writing blog posts and helping newbies.

Technical Articles



  • 🔭 I'm working as Software Engineer @Equiti Group
  • 🧬 I read about compilers occasionally.
  • 🌱 Currently building Tiny Injector and SQL Tooling
  • 📚 Currently reading Design for Developers
  • 👯 Ready to collaborate on open sourceopen-source💬 Here to answer your questions about Web/Mobile Development

Open Source Projects

Project Description
SQL Tooling Simple SQLite Parser Done In TypeScript
Tiny Injector Mix of .NetCore and Angular dependency injection
RFC 7807 Typescript implementation of RFC 7807
Fayona .NetCore like framework using Node.js
Ngx-Request-Options Angular package that make passing properties to interceptors possible
Ngx-Form-Factory Angular package to build complex forms without the need to write any markup boilerplate
Document Storage JavaScript package that provides a unified interface for browser storages
Flutter Form Validators A set of predefined validators that makes field validation straightforward
C# class to ProtoBuf If you're moving from Monolithic to Microservices, you need to convert your models
Docker Compose Environment Variable To JSON Converting docker-compose environment varaibles To JSON

My older Technical Articles you might read

📫 Where to find me
