ezwelty / tablecloth

Spreadsheet templates for tabular data entry

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tablecloth: Spreadsheet templates for tabular data entry

codecov tests

A Google Sheets template in action Google Sheets template generated for tests/datapackage.yaml with invalid values highlighted in red.


pip install "tablecloth[excel,gsheets] @ git+https://github.com/ezwelty/tablecloth"
  • [excel]: Adds (optional) support for Microsoft Excel
  • [gsheets]: Adds (optional) support for Google Sheets


import tablecloth.excel

# Load a Frictionless Tabular Data Package specification
package = {
  'name': 'package',
  'resources': [{
    'name': 'main',
    'schema': {
      'fields': [{
        'name': 'id',
        'description': 'Any positive integer',
        'type': 'integer',
        'constraints': {'required': True, 'unique': True, 'minimum': 1},
      }, {
        'name': 'number_minmax',
        'description': 'A number in interval [1, 10]',
        'type': 'number',
        'constraints': {'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 10},
      }, {
        'name': 'boolean',
        'description': 'Any boolean',
        'type': 'boolean',
      }, {
        'name': 'string_minmax',
        'description': 'Any string with length between 2 and 3',
        'type': 'string',
        'constraints': {'minLength': 2, 'maxLength': 3},
      }, {
        'name': 'string_enum',
        'description': 'One of the first three letters of the alphabet',
        'type': 'string',
        'constraints': {'enum': ['a', 'b', 'c']},
  }, {
    'name': 'secondary',
    'schema': {
      'foreignKeys': [{
        'fields': ['main_id'],
        'reference': {'resource': 'main', 'fields': ['id']},
      'fields': [{
        'name': 'main_id',
        'description': 'Any value in main.id',
        'type': 'integer',

# Use field descriptions as header comments
comments = {
  resource['name']: [
    field['description'] for field in resource['schema']['fields']
  ] for resource in package['resources']

# Build Excel template
  package, path='template.xlsx', header_comments=comments


Clone the repository, use poetry to install tablecloth and all its dependencies into a Python virtual environment, and run (most) tests:

git clone https://github.com/ezwelty/tablecloth
cd tablecloth
poetry install --all-extras
poetry run pytest --doctest-modules src tests

Consider installing pre-commit (if needed) and installing the hooks:

pre-commit install

Google Sheets

Running tests for Google Sheets requires a JSON key for a Google Cloud project service account (https://pygsheets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/authorization.html#service-account). Copy the example environment file:

cp .env.example .env

and fill in the content of your JSON key. Optionally, add your Google account email so that Google Sheets created by your service account are shared with you. Once configured, use the --gsheets flag to include Google Sheets tests:

poetry run pytest --doctest-modules src tests --gsheets


Spreadsheet templates for tabular data entry

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%