eznix86 / git-aliases

Some of my git aliases and maybe notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Use git config -e --global to open vi to edit config.

Paste these:

    cleanup = "!git branch --merged | grep -Ev '(^\\*|master|main|dev)' | xargs git branch -d && echo 'Merged Branches cleaned ✨'"
    remote-cleanup = "!git branch -r --merged | grep -Ev '(^\\*|master|main|dev)' | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin && echo 'Merged Remote Branches cleaned ✨'"

You will get

git cleanup # deletes stale branches which has already been merged locally
git remote-cleanup # deletes stales branches which has already been merge remotely

Another way is doing

git config --global alias.undo  "\!git reset --soft HEAD~1" 
git config --global alias.redo  "\!git reset --hard HEAD@{1}"

On top of the previous commands you will get

git undo # undo last commit without being distructive
git redo # replay the last command

Example of undo and redo

  • Lets say you committed something, you messed up. just do git undo, now you are let's say you've changed you mind, you want to go back to the original changes. Do git redo.
  • If you do git redo, without a git undo, it will be destructive! Modify it to check in history if you run a git command before. Maybe check if a git command was previously executed for example.


Some of my git aliases and maybe notes