ezmoneysniperx / ezmoneysniperx

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About me

I'm a Full stack developer who graduated from software engineering study in Türkiye. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies, with hands-on experience in building responsive and user-friendly web applications. Skilled in utilizing modern frameworks, as well as integrating APIs and working with databases. Committed to delivering robust and scalable web solutions, while continuously expanding my skill set through collaboration and embracing new technologies.

Connect with me:

muhammad gajendra adhirajasa ezmoneysniperx


  • Languages:

    C C++ C# Python Java PHP JavaScript TypeScript HTML5 CSS3 Kotlin

  • Frameworks & Library:

    React Vue Next.js Nuxt Express.js NodeJS Flask Vuetify Bootstrap Tailwind Firebase Apollo GraphQL

  • Databases:

    MongoDB MySQL SQLite MS SQL Server Amazon DynamoDB

  • Cloud:

    AWS MS Azure Netlify

  • Softwares and Tools:

    Git GitHub Google Android Studio WebStorm Visual Studio Code

