ezekielaquino / Columns3000

Simple, no-frills, flex-based column/grid component for React (emotion) 🌸

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A simple flex-based column/grid component for React.


Use it

yarn add columns3000

import {Columns, Column} from 'columns3000';

// in render
  // Gutter With units! use px, rem, vw, etc, even css variables or calc()!
  <Column span={6}>This is column spans 6!</Column>
  <Column span={6}>This is column spans 6 too!</Column>

Responsive gutters, span or columns?

I suggest using useMedia from react-use like below:

import {Columns, Column} from 'columns3000';
import {useMedia} from 'react-use';

const isNarrow = useMedia('(max-width: 1024px)');
const span = isNarrow ? 2 : 4;
const gutter = isNarrow ? '16px' : 'var(--gutterLarge)';

// in render
  // Gutter With units! use px, rem, vw, etc, even css variables or calc()!
  <Column span={span}>Spans 4 on width > 1024 and 2 below!</Column>
  <Column span={span}>Same!</Column>
  <Column span={span}>Same!</Column>
  <Column span={span}>Same!</Column>

Columns props

Property Type Description Default value
columns number total number of columns of the grid system 12
justify string css property justify-content, alignment of inner columns flex-start
gutter string the horizontal/vertical spacing between columns 16px
breakpoint string the viewport width where single/multi-column layout is toggled 720px

Column props

Property Type Description Default value
span number amount of columns the columns spans horizontally required prop
grow boolean flex-grows the column false


If you're like me who:

  • Works with React most the time
  • Usually going for css-in-js, particularly emotion. (Note: this uses emotion!)
  • Finds themselves considering to reach out for a no-frills super simple column/grid layout wrappers
  • Likes it simple and cute

Look no further! I tried to basically make a component to make myself happy for most of the use cases I do/would encounter. This does not use any other classNames or some imported css. I think it's "clean" in it just uses emotion generated classnames, and takes advantage of css variables to make it do its thing.


A Columns parent and Column wrapper components. Togehter they do these things:

  • Define a grid layout based on a number of columns and gutter size
  • Each column (child) within the grid layout would span a specified number of columns
  • When a breakpoint is reached, toggle between single-column ("mobile") or multi-column configurations

That's it!

Enjoy 🌸


Simple, no-frills, flex-based column/grid component for React (emotion) 🌸



Language:JavaScript 80.7%Language:TypeScript 19.3%