ezecodes / Jobo_API

Control Your Finances: OpenSource Budget Management System

Home Page:https://bankcraft.postman.co/workspace/My-Workspace~4b6f3538-9378-4f3f-84dd-ed39ddb72cad/request/30807885-c75c0572-103b-47b1-acdf-9e27c38fa110

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting started


  • Run git clone https://github.com/jahdevelops/Jobo_API to download the repo.
  • Run npm ci to install the required npm packages.

Populating .env file

After installing the packages, create a '.env' file in the root directory.
These variables are required in the '.env' file created above, use any value of you choice.
The DB_URL variable represents a URI to a mongoDB database cluster.

Running the project

After creating the reqired env variables, type npm run dev to run the project in development mode.

Using the APIs

A list of all available APIs and documentation can be found here

Backend Implementation

Athentication and authorisation

Upon successfull login, the server stores a secured cookie on the client. This cookie will be used to authencate and authorise the user when making requests to the protected routes.