extremq / nec_ir_remote_receiver_irq_pico

A simple, IRQ-based implementation of the IR NEC receiver protocol in C using the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.

Repository from Github https://github.comextremq/nec_ir_remote_receiver_irq_picoRepository from Github https://github.comextremq/nec_ir_remote_receiver_irq_pico


A simple, IRQ-based implementation of the IR NEC receiver protocol in C using the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.

How to install the module (for beginners)

The minimal way of adding this module to your CMake project is by downloading the ir_rx_irq.c and ir_rx_irq.h files and placing them in the same folder as your main source.

From there, you have to add the files inside add_executable. For example:



Check example.c for a basic starting point.

// type = 1 if it's a normal command, type = 2 if it's a repeat command 
// (sent by holding the button down for a long time)
// This function will be called when you press a button on the remote
// and the sensor receives it correctly.
void callback_ir (uint16_t address, uint16_t command, int type) {
    printf("Got 0x%04X 0x%04X %d\n", address, command, type);

int main() {
    // This is all you do.
    init_ir_irq_receiver(YOUR_GPIO_PIN, &callback_ir);


A simple, IRQ-based implementation of the IR NEC receiver protocol in C using the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.

License:MIT License


Language:C 100.0%