extremq / configurable-neural-network

This project implements a CPU and GPU based neural network capable of supporting Sigmoid activators.

Repository from Github https://github.comextremq/configurable-neural-networkRepository from Github https://github.comextremq/configurable-neural-network

Configurable neural network

This is an example of a configurable neural network.

The dataset I've tested is the popular MNIST digits dataset.

By configurable I mean that you can set how many hidden layers the model should have and specify the amount of nodes on each layer.

The sigmoid is the activation function. I will implement ReLU in a future repository.

Shape of neural net

Right now, I haven't found that much of an improvement by incorporating more than one hidden layer.

I also observed that the number of layers should thin out, otherwise it wont train that well.

For a 784 - 50 - 20 - 10 neural net I've got 95.13% accuracy at 7 epochs, while a 784 - 500 - 10 gets a 97.32% at 5 epochs (the 700 - 300 - 10 neural network here has better performance).

Both used the sigmoid.

Performance of the 784 - 50 - 20 - 10, lr = 0.01 neural network by epochs.

Performance of the 784 - 500 - 10, lr = 0.12 neural network by epochs.


I've also included a pytorch version which starts to gain significant speed as we increase the number of weights.

For a 784 - 500 - 10 neural network, one epoch:

  • CPU time 1m 7s (AMD Ryzen 5 3600G)
  • GPU time 40s (RTX 3060)

Considering scaling on larger datasets, a GPU definitely is worth using.


This project implements a CPU and GPU based neural network capable of supporting Sigmoid activators.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%