The project is a simple tool I made in Python that can be used to trim PDF files. Trimming refers to selecting pages from an input PDF file that will be exported into another PDF file. It features a simple user interface created with the tkinter library (screenshot below).
Choosing a file and folder:
When selecting the file, the application only shows PDF documents. There is a tick box next to the folder button in case you want to export to the same folder as that of the input file.
Selecting pages:
Currently, it supports selecting pages by specifying a range and/or by choosing individual pages.
The UI displays warnings/errors, notifying the user of the following:
Missing parameters
Not choosing necessary parameters such as file, folder and/or pages will display the specific error when trying to export the file.
Chosen pages are out of range
If the input document has, for example, 27 pages and the user selected pages 20 and 30, the application will only export the 20th page and will display a warning that some of the chosen pages were left out.
Success message
After successfully exporting a file, a message will be displayed in green, inclusing the name of the output document.