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The ExpressJS Organization

The ExpressJS Organization is a collection of community-owned node.js web modules with shared maintenance. Refactored from Connect, Express, and Koa, these modules aim to be small, well-tested, focused, RFC-compliant, and usable by any node.js framework or middleware.

Please let us know if you're interested in:

  • Maintaining some modules in the organization
  • Moving popular libraries into the organization


Most of these libraries are based on many of TJ Holowaychuk's work. Maintainers were slowly added to his projects to keep up with the maintenance burden. But code maintenance isn't the sole issue; maintaining the repositories themselves as well their maintainers is just as difficult.

GitHub organizations allow easy administration of multiple repositories, their maintainers, as well as maintenance of their code. With TJ Holowaychuk's retirement from node.js, a robust framework to maintain his still widely-used modules is needed by the community, and GitHub organizations are the answer. With the ability to share npm publishing rights very easily, no (still useful) module will be left behind.

With organizations comes a change in node's open source authorship philosophy. npm places emphasis on the owner and author of a package. Instead, we believe open source software should be community owned and maintained as the original author is largely irrelevant if s/he no longer maintains the project. With organizations, users won't have to worry about code rot, ignored pull requests, or a single, overbearing czar.

Call for Maintainers

These modules need maintainers. If you're interested in maintaining one of these modules, please start contributing by making PRs and solving / discussing unsolved issues.


These are the core team members, those that actively maintain more than one module. You can also view all the public team members.

  • dougwilson - current lead maintainer of Express and Connect. Maintains much of Connect 2.x/Express 3.x's middleware as well as many tiny modules. A stickler for RFC-compliance, tests, and code-coverage.
  • jonathanong - maintains many of the core modules as well as Koa
  • fishrock123 - administrates and book-keeps many of the modules as well as maintains the mime-type-related libraries.
  • defunctzombie
  • mscdex

Honorary Members


These frameworks are actively maintained by members of the Organization.

Core Modules

Building a node.js web framework? These are the modules you should be particularly interested in:

Related Organizations

Our goal for open source software is to organize modules well as well as share the maintenance burden so that no one has to worry about code rot. The ExpressJS Organization is focused with node web modules, but there are multiple organizations maintained in a similar manner.

If you're interested in joining or collaborating with these organizations, please let us know!

Organizations for tiny utilities:

Other organizations you might be interested in:

  • detects - browser feature detects as tiny modules
  • node-modules - generic node modules
  • normalize - package management-less, build-less, and specification-compliant web development
  • polyfills - browser polyfills and user-agent-based polyfill combinations
