explody / tin

Thin wrapper around REST APIs that speak JSON

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HEAD: pipeline status coverage report Release: pipeline status coverage report


Tin is a thin and minimal wrapper around python requests intended as a generic REST API client library. APIs are defined as YAML wherein API services, enpoints, methods and such that API specs can be updated easily without changing python code. A bit like a poor man's Swagger/OpenAPI.

On the subject of Swagger/OpenAPI

If the REST API you need to interact with publishes an OpenAPI spec, you very likely do not need Tin. There are a variety of much more robust OpenAPI tools that will generate API client code, among other functions. Tin was made with services that don't publish OpenAPI data in mind. That being said, it'll still work fine with any REST API that speaks JSON.


  • Supports multiple environment definitions per API
  • Basic, header and parameter based authentication
  • Credentials from a YML or JSON file, or environment vars
  • A minimal model system where lists of json dicts returned from a service can be instantiated as custom objects with canned CRUD methods such as .create() and .save()
  • Simple field validation for models, for specifying required and/or read-only fields.
  • Requests session support
  • Generally any option that can be passed to requests.


With an service, API and model files such as

Service definition

    host: yourhost.service.com
    scheme: https
    port: 443
    credentials: ~/path/to/credentials.yml
    auth_type: basic
      verify: true
    api_file: path/to/service-api.yml
    model_file: path/to/service-models.yml
  # Common settings apply to all environments
  content_type: "application/json"
  basepath: "/api/v2"
    may: ["links", "filter_by", "filter_value"]

API Definition

  list_data_key: "things"  # if json data comes back under a toplevel key
  model: thing  # Optional: associated model from the models file
      method: POST
      path: /things
      object_method: create  # this method will be associated with model_instance.create()
      expect: 201
      method: GET
      path: /things/:id
      object_method: read  # this method will be associated with model_instance.refresh()
      method: GET
      path: /things

Models Definition

  id_attr: id
  read_only:  # read-only
    - id
  must:  # When saving a newly created model instance, these attrs are required
    - name
    - email
  may:  # Optional attrs that will be sent to the service API if set in the model instance
    - description
    - extra_stuff

Tin can be used like this

from tin.api import TinApi
myapi = TinApi(config_file='path/to/myapi_definition.yml', environment='production')

things = myapi.things.list() # returns {'things': [<myapi.things.thing>, <myapi.things.thing>...]}

things = myapi.things.list(nomodel=True) # returns {'things': [ {'id': 1, name: 'thingname', 'email': 'mail@example.com'} ... ]

thing = myapi.things.get(1)
thing = myapi.things.get(id=1)

thing.name   # "thingname"
thing.name = "newname"
thing.name   # "newname"

newthing = myapi.things.model({})
newthing.save()   # fails validation as name and email aren't set

newthing.name = 'new thing'
newthing.email = 'mail@example.com'
newthing.save()   # succeeds

newthing.update({'name': 'new name'})  # updates instance and makes Update API call



Thin wrapper around REST APIs that speak JSON

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%